Mike Apologizes to Finland

MightyA said:
I've been hearing rumours that the inner circle of pissed Opeth fans in Finland are planning suicide bombings.

This is completely lame to joke about. Didn't some people just get killed over the weekend at the Russian METALFEST by suicide bombings? Why don't you think what you say... your favorite bands and all your friends could actually BE at an event like this. Grow up.

Every knows (or will eventually know, more than likely) the heartache of spending money on something that gets cancelled, especially metal concerts! Its a fact of life. I know it sucks when you loose the cash cause I been there. My first chance of seeing Opeth was in europe with MDB and the Gathering. I'd already bought my plane ticket too.. then the tour gets nixxed. It just happens.

Be glad you'll get a longer set when they come over later. I mean think of the positive you know. The comments in the guestbook were really harsh... these are just guys travelling their asses off touring this year. They are only human. Maybe it was a mistake not to cancel it sooner but maybe they were just trying till the end to find SOME WAY to make it work, you know? My guess is they'll loose a lot of money for cancelling, I'm quite sure it wasn't some evil plan of theirs to piss everyone off. But Shit happens.
Everyone should just get drunk and deal with it!
This is completely lame to joke about. Didn't some people just get killed over the weekend at the Russian METALFEST by suicide bombings? Why don't you think what you say... your favorite bands and all your friends could actually BE at an event like this. Grow up.

Don't be so goddamn uptight, i'm sure MightyA didn't mean any harm :rolleyes:
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redblueyes said:
Everyone should just get drunk and deal with it!
Didn't you know that during the last week many, many people died because of alcohol? People got ran over by intoxicated drivers and even few livers popped. Here you are trying to get people to drink to their sorrow? Grow up.

I wasn't aware of the incident in Russia, but as Bleakest Harvest said, you really should loosen up a little.
What's so idiotic about being pissed off about spending a lot of money on something you don't get?

Of course the comments in the guestbook are harsh and over the top, but a person who takes them completely seriously is just as idiotic. I'm sure noone meant the "we're gonna kill you"-comments literally. That's just the kind of thing people say to each other in Finland every day! ;) A Finn usually ends up killing himself (proven by statistics), not anyone else. Way back in history things were different, but even then we didn't kill Swedes...

Idiots and assholes are international. They (we?) are everywhere. :)
You've have put up some pretty lame shit about finnish people. We're just pissed, that's all. Don't take it so personally.

And Smitty, have you ever seen a finnish woman or heard finnish metal?
Hey. I never said anyone was idiotic.
Of course people are pissed (duh) but what can you do but deal with it. As I said I've been in that spot before. In fact, if it weren't for the damnation tour less than a week later, I had planned on going to those Finland gigs myself. That's a country I haven't been too (yet!) and want to see the place.
I just recently read the lineup whos playing, there is a lot of good bands for sure!

ps- Hearse: sorry I didn't get back with you. The song sounded real good, but I can only hear it at work and I can't "crank it" enough to really give it my undivided attention. yet!
fadingessence said:
we in the U.S. are very proud of our rednecks, after all no other country has real rednecks. I mean sure other places have their slums, but real gun totin possum eatin , beer chuggin, mosh pittin, no door piece of shit driving, dubya voting, country lovin, banjo playin, trailer trashin, good ole usa rednecks are only found here.

what people don't understand is that they are found not only in the obvious states (see Texas, Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia and others), but also tend to migrate all over the country. For example rednecks CAN be found in southern california! All surfers and babes you say? oh no! Visit a little place called the "inland empire", consisting of such lovely cities as San Bernardino, Pomona, Yucaipa and Riverside. This is refered to by "outsiders" (those that live in Orange County, LA, San Deigo...nice places) as the "909" a name given by it's area code. This area is in fact full of rednecks, cows, and everything that goes with it.

The moral of this story? Finns don't know anything about rednecks....and there shouldn't be any in southern cali...so someone should make them leave...

THIS IS THE POST OF THE YEAR. seriously, i fell off my chair. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think this is just more sad commentary on how little respect musicians get these days. The industry has become such a machine that people now expect musicians to do exactly what they want them to, and when they don't, the response is a wave of kneejerk invective. And all of it boils down to, "I think I'm a fan, so you should do whatever I want, when I want, and if you don't, I'm going to kill you." What sort of attitude is that? Bands are made of PEOPLE. They are not products. They sell records, and yes, those are products, but the people who make up the band are real, not just entertainment that changes to suit the whims of every listener. If these Finns are such fans, wouldn't they be willing to understand Opeth's dilemma and accept the apology? Conclusion: They're not fans, they're just more whiny by-products of the contemporary entertainment industry who want everything their way. Now I'm not saying that ONLY the Finns are this way. In fact, I find it sad to see that there are such people in Finland, because really, I thought that attitude was more prevalent in the U.S. Apparently not.

As a person who is pursuing music on a professional level, I think it's insulting, and a degradation to us all, when folks try to treat entertainers like servants. The attitude seems to be that entertainers should cater to every listener's desires, and what's more, do it for FREE! Of course, people aren't willing to PAY for music these days, oh no, "we'll just download it, why should we PAY these people we claim to love so much? Oh gee, this band is just the greatest, I can't tell you how much I like them, what? do I own any of their albums? oh well, I've got all of them DOWNLOADED... Oh gee, you cancelled a show, I hate you, how dare you inconvenience me, you're not people, don't you know that you exist to only entertain me?!!??"

Finn kids: Grow up. Fans at least TRY understand the difficulties of the bands they like. If you're not willing to TRY and understand, don't bother listening to Opeth anymore, because you must not like them that much.
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it happened to me once as well. i didn't sit in a corner and cried. i was just convinced they'd be at the festival the year there after. and even if they didn't: shit happens - the band can't help the circumstances.
redblueyes said:
.........As I said I've been in that spot before. In fact, if it weren't for the damnation tour less than a week later, I had planned on going to those Finland gigs myself. That's a country I haven't been too (yet!) and want to see the place......
Exactly how much money do you have to throw around, since you were 'considering' going to see Opeth in Finland, if not for the D2 Tour, Ms. Blue Eyes? :err: I think you'll find that the most vocal opposition to this decision will be from those who have spent a considerable amount of time saving money to make the trip see Opeth play… Now to have all that effort (and essentially money) ‘flushed down the toilet’ is a less than pleasant experience. :erk:
frayededges said:
I think this is just more sad commentary on how little respect musicians get these days. The industry has become such a machine that people now expect musicians to do exactly what they want them to, and when they don't, the response is a wave of kneejerk invective. And all of it boils down to, "I think I'm a fan, so you should do whatever I want, when I want, and if you don't, I'm going to kill you." What sort of attitude is that? Bands are made of PEOPLE. They are not products. They sell records, and yes, those are products, but the people who make up the band are real, not just entertainment that changes to suit the whims of every listener. If these Finns are such fans, wouldn't they be willing to understand Opeth's dilemma and accept the apology? Conclusion: They're not fans, they're just more whiny by-products of the contemporary entertainment industry who want everything their way. Now I'm not saying that ONLY the Finns are this way. In fact, I find it sad to see that there are such people in Finland, because really, I thought that attitude was more prevalent in the U.S. Apparently not.

As a person who is pursuing music on a professional level, I think it's insulting, and a degradation to us all, when folks try to treat entertainers like servants. The attitude seems to be that entertainers should cater to every listener's desires, and what's more, do it for FREE! Of course, people aren't willing to PAY for music these days, oh no, "we'll just download it, why should we PAY these people we claim to love so much? Oh gee, this band is just the greatest, I can't tell you how much I like them, what? do I own any of their albums? oh well, I've got all of them DOWNLOADED... Oh gee, you cancelled a show, I hate you, how dare you inconvenience me, you're not people, don't you know that you exist to only entertain me?!!??"

Finn kids: Grow up. Fans at least TRY understand the difficulties of the bands they like. If you're not willing to TRY and understand, don't bother listening to Opeth anymore, because you must not like them that much.
I totally agree with this post..
Spike said:
Exactly how much money do you have to throw around, since you were 'considering' going to see Opeth in Finland, if not for the D2 Tour, Ms. Blue Eyes? :err:

Its true. I do save up!... and then spend every available dime on music. Whether it's Opeth in Finland or on cds/records. I call myself a fan of music. :tickled:
Others call me insane.:ill:
frayededges said:
I think this is just more sad commentary on how little respect musicians get these days. The industry has become such a machine that people now expect musicians to do exactly what they want them to, and when they don't, the response is a wave of kneejerk invective. And all of it boils down to, "I think I'm a fan, so you should do whatever I want, when I want, and if you don't, I'm going to kill you." What sort of attitude is that? Bands are made of PEOPLE. They are not products. They sell records, and yes, those are products, but the people who make up the band are real, not just entertainment that changes to suit the whims of every listener. If these Finns are such fans, wouldn't they be willing to understand Opeth's dilemma and accept the apology? Conclusion: They're not fans, they're just more whiny by-products of the contemporary entertainment industry who want everything their way. Now I'm not saying that ONLY the Finns are this way. In fact, I find it sad to see that there are such people in Finland, because really, I thought that attitude was more prevalent in the U.S. Apparently not.

As a person who is pursuing music on a professional level, I think it's insulting, and a degradation to us all, when folks try to treat entertainers like servants. The attitude seems to be that entertainers should cater to every listener's desires, and what's more, do it for FREE! Of course, people aren't willing to PAY for music these days, oh no, "we'll just download it, why should we PAY these people we claim to love so much? Oh gee, this band is just the greatest, I can't tell you how much I like them, what? do I own any of their albums? oh well, I've got all of them DOWNLOADED... Oh gee, you cancelled a show, I hate you, how dare you inconvenience me, you're not people, don't you know that you exist to only entertain me?!!??"

Finn kids: Grow up. Fans at least TRY understand the difficulties of the bands they like. If you're not willing to TRY and understand, don't bother listening to Opeth anymore, because you must not like them that much.

Great post!!! :rock:
Couldn't agree more.
I must say, this is amazing (possibly schizophrenic):

Markus from fucking FINLAND ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

Hey, now I must say this to you swedish BOYS: FUCK OFF!!!! Is this yet another time you cancel Finnish gigs... because of the shitty yankees, finland is at least the worlds metalliest country! FUCK OFF! sorry about that I have all your albums...