Mike for the Shredder award?

If you had read the rest of my message, you would have seen that I was comparing him to Herman Li. :rolleyes:

I got that, my point was when you are playing easy stuff you will make less mistakes. Herman Li would play Mikael's solos more accurately and Mikael would make more mistakes while playing Herman Li's solos, most probably.
HemeHaci makes a good point. The only thing wrong with Herman Li is that he chooses to play a little out of his comfort zone.
out of any of them skolnic is the best (in terms of shredding), the guy is genius. im even surprised to see him back in the emetal scene as he left to play jazz and those that do dont tend to come back

and i cant believe there is no vote option for jeff loomis despite his blistering solo album
Jeff Loomis is indeed definitely a great shredder, it's OK Petrucci not being nominated because he wasn't involved in any albums this year that I know of, but Loomis should definitely have made it

In fact Mike himself once said "I like solos too but I'm no Jeff Loomis"
Haha, thanks a lot! Herman Li would play my solos better than me?
I don't fucking think so!

^ I being a 2 year old player can play your solos as good as you do, so I think Herman Li would be able to, too.

Playing them BETTER than you do is another thing, and I think it's impossible anyway, you play them flawless both in studio and live.
Meh, I just voted anyway under the assumption that they were just saying 'shredder' to refer to guitar player by incorrectly using terms just to sound 'cool' to appeal to the younger readers and stuff.
Haha, thanks a lot! Herman Li would play my solos better than me?
I don't fucking think so!


You're welcome :)

But sincerely, if we define the "better" as playing as accurately as possible according to the studio record then I bet Herman would do better on most occasions. (well in fact when I think the other way, you playing his solos:erk:)

If you are talking about stuff like putting your soul into it, then I don't think there is anyone in the world that can do better than you. Those are your solos after all, and Opeth is my favourite group, you're my favourite musician in the end (I am a fanboy :kickass:)
i agree, mikael is no shredder, he's just (moderatly) popular right now.

i can't say that however without saying that he is an incredible guitarist :p
^ I being a 2 year old player can play your solos as good as you do, so I think Herman Li would be able to, too.

Playing them BETTER than you do is another thing, and I think it's impossible anyway, you play them flawless both in studio and live.

Do you have the feel of Mike's playing?

That was a really backhanded "compliment".

I'm not a "fanboy" I just get weirded out at these guitar comparisons.
You're welcome :)

But sincerely, if we define the "better" as playing as accurately as possible according to the studio record then I bet Herman would do better on most occasions. (well in fact when I think the other way, you playing his solos:erk:)

If you are talking about stuff like putting your soul into it, then I don't think there is anyone in the world that can do better than you. Those are your solos after all, and Opeth is my favourite group, you're my favourite musician in the end (I am a fanboy :kickass:)

Why would anyone define better as more accurate?
What is accurate? A computer would be the most "accurate" if you programmed it with notes.