Mike from Opeth wants to Tour with Swano/EOS

It's gonna be Opeth's 8th studio album! Just like St Anger Was Met's 8th! Only Opeth did it in half the amount of time...

Is this the beginning of the end for Opeth??!H!HHEHEHHEEHEHE

No, it isn't.
Regulator said:
I recently talked to Peter Lindgren and he said that they asked Dan and Katatonia to tour with them but they said no.
That would have to be the ULTIMATE tour...

Porcupine Tree

and hopefully they would hire Digger Int'l to do the tour management so my friend Ian could be the road manager and I could get lots of autographs and photopasses!! :)
IAmEternal said:
It's gonna be Opeth's 8th studio album! Just like St Anger Was Met's 8th! Only Opeth did it in half the amount of time...

Is this the beginning of the end for Opeth??!H!HHEHEHHEEHEHE

No, it isn't.
I was totally joking... I know Opeth possess enough musical integrity to at least mix their albums properly unlike NUtaLICKa.. I loved the last two Opeth albums.. so really, I can't wait, good or bad.. I'll still love it.