Mike fronting Candlemass

its funny how behind so many "metalheads" are. almost a decade ago when i was first getting into extreme metal, candlemass was one of the first bands i sought to check out due to the amount of hype they had THEN. i guess it truly truly does take mike to name drop or actually sing WITH a band to get anyone to pay any attention unless theyre signed to the end records or sound like into eternity or moonsorrow.

but at any rate, i loved mike's clean vocals approach on this song. whoever said he was doing a "marcolin impression" is completely off their rocker, it sounded nothing like him. however mike had his very own touch to the song and i enjoyed it. except for the growls. those were garbage.
Epicus was the first extreme metal record iv ever bought. (or underground-ish metal, depends how you look at it).

Im probably one of the few fans of metal that got into doom metal before getting into death/black.
its funny how behind so many "metalheads" are. almost a decade ago when i was first getting into extreme metal, candlemass was one of the first bands i sought to check out due to the amount of hype they had THEN. i guess it truly truly does take mike to name drop or actually sing WITH a band to get anyone to pay any attention unless theyre signed to the end records or sound like into eternity or moonsorrow.
I was actually searching on the internet for doom metal bands a while back, and this is how I found them, along with many other good ones. I just didn't think to get any of their music before.
Im not sure why everyone is complaining about Candlemass's vocals, when being compared to most of the terrible vox you people listen to.

Messiah is a fine class vocalist, as well was Johann Langquist.

most of this message board needs a bit of schooling on metal. Not saying that im the be-all-end-all of metal knowleg, or music. But to slack on quality bands like candlemass and listen to Dark Tranquillity is laughable.
Ill have 2 check this out...sparked some interest considering i've never heard Candlemass but have heard so much about them

So guys whats better in terms of production and overall good songwriting from Candlemass...
Old stuff or New???