Mike fronting Candlemass

but at any rate, i loved mike's clean vocals approach on this song. whoever said he was doing a "marcolin impression" is completely off their rocker, it sounded nothing like him. however mike had his very own touch to the song and i enjoyed it. except for the growls. those were garbage.

LOL, you're probably right. There was some simularity in the the styling though. It did it justice anyway.
as much i love Mike's vocals, he just can't compete with the mighty Messiah Marcolin. the best metal vocalist out there
Johan Langquist, performing A Sorceror's Pledge. I am astonished at how good he still sounds. Maybe he's rejoining the band! Oh wait they're incredibly washed up. Oh well. . .

iirc the new album will be fronted by the solitude aeturnus guy :erk: everyone should check out the johan vids, he sings lots of songs from epicus and they all sound amazing. he's much better than marcolin imho.
Mike did a great job.

I can not wait for the next Candlemass album, I can see were people are coming from when they think the vocalists of Candlemass put them off (while being a fan of previous vocalists) But there is no denying the vocal talent of Robert Lowe of Solitude Aeturnus, the next album will be a highlight of 2007.
iirc the new album will be fronted by the solitude aeturnus guy :erk: everyone should check out the johan vids, he sings lots of songs from epicus and they all sound amazing. he's much better than marcolin imho.

i disagree. Marcolin >>> Johan Langquist. Robert Lowe is the only man who can take the legacy from Marcolin.
marcolin obviously has a better technique, but i just like johan's raw, dark vocals on the first album. listen to messiah's studio version of under the oak, it's vastly inferior iyam. i'm not a big fan of lowe either (didn't like the new solitude aeturnus), but he'll do i guess
I have a couple old Candlemass LPs- "Nightfall" and "Ancient Dreams." I can get into them every now and then, but it's despite Messiah's vocals, not because of them... I should get off my ass and check out EDM. Anyway, I think we can all agree that Mike's take was fucking badass.
I know nothing of Candlemass. I may check them out, may not. But I rather like this. Not just because of Mike, the vibe is good.

It's still nice for me to hear the resonance Mike's clean voice has found of late. Very powerful, I love it.