mike huckabee

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Lets see here...

Mike Huckabee, the gov. of Arkansas was on hardball about two or three weeks ago. matthews started grilling him about crime reduction in big cities and how to bring it down. know what this genius said? he said the way to reduce crime is to arm the citizens. yep, thats right. lets arm regular joe with a hand cannon. that way, a potential robber will think twice about robbing joe becuase he knows joe has a goddamned 9mm strapped on his ass.

can u believe this shit? and he is running for president? haha!
Negros and Messycans are crazy sometimes. And maybe I want to carve my name into... a car.
no no its not true.

i mean if they let students carry guns would there be less violence in school? in the .0000000000001% chance that it would stop school shootings, the amount of crime involving guns would go up. so one specific type of crime would go down but overall crime would go up. thats the problem. another example - if people could carry guns on airplanes might there be less hijacks? of course there might be. overall violence would go up though, right? thats my take on it.
Fuck you, Paul. We were derailing an obvious troll thread until you had to come in and open your mouth like he wanted.
:lol: :lol: :lol: no fucking comment!
I'd rather vote for Hitlary rather than Ron Paul, that faggot will not only take you to a pre-hamilton economy, but will also send the dollar in a nose dive that i will have every Seattleite feed me grapes in my mouth with my 40K euros college fund (and the interest it gathered over time)

Fuck you, Paul.
I appreciate your willingness to anally please me
I'd rather vote for Hitlary rather than Ron Paul, that faggot will not only take you to a pre-hamilton economy, but will also send the dollar in a nose dive that i will have every Seattleite feed me grapes in my mouth with my 40K euros college fund (and the interest it gathered over time)
yeah! Fuck the constitution! WOO!!!