Mike Huckabee is a jackass

The US presidential elections are just altogether a worrying affair (atleast from my outsider perspective). But Mike Huckabee is definitely one of the more frightening candidates.
I would be surprised if he makes it very far with such radical suggestions, or at least with making them in such radical ways. I think that the issues are more than simply "religious", but he is presenting them as "religious", and it will probably hurt his campaign.
The ideas are wholly religious. There is NO REASON from a non-religious point of view to define marriage as between a man and a woman. None. As for the anti-abortion one, sure there can be people who disagree for non-religious reasons but there is no way in hell that the reasons he has are non-religious.
Any Republican is likely to win most of the Southern states. It's been that way since Johnson.
I don't know if Rudy Giuliani or Ron Paul could do it though, they're too socially liberal for most Southerners to vote for, especially since Giuliani is pro-choice.

So it's abortion and marriage. It's not an overhaul. The context was left out of that article. I am a bit more concerned about the abortion thing, not that I am pro-abortion.

It's still alarming though, considering he's saying that it's the decision of 'God' that this needs to be so. He's implying that we have no religious freedom and is basically wiping his ass with the Constitution if he does that.
i don't think that marriage shoud be included in the constitution of any country, just cuz religious subjects doesn't make sense to many people, and the idea of constitution works to everybody, believers or not.
What Huckabee is proposing is fundamentally in opposition to some of the core primary principles upon which this country was founded. This is essentially a fascistic attack upon individual sovereignty. This should entirely negate him as a candidate for president, as far as I'm concerned.


The US presidential elections are just altogether a worrying affair (atleast from my outsider perspective). But Mike Huckabee is definitely one of the more frightening candidates.
