Mike Huckabee is a jackass

Of course it's not going to happen, but he has expressed his intent, and that should be sufficient cause for discounting him as a viable candidate.
I think his phone call with 'God' was enough to discount him as a valid candidate to begin with, but this just further assured that.
You impled in the first post that it was in the Constitution already

I disagree. An addition is a change.

...and the context does matter. I realize it doesn't matter in regards to the differing opinions on that specific issue. But the issue is not the point I am making. I am saying that article makes it seem like he is looking to rewrite the whole thing or make some major overhaul, when he is simply talking about a single known issue that many people are discussing and divided over. It's written with a huge bias and in a manipulative way.
Interesting that those we call "Conservative" are pushing for more change, albeit retrogressive, than all the Liberals who stand by the Constitution.

I think because everyone wants change to come from the next President, the Republican candidates are trying to show that they can make change and still keep the voters happy... even though most people don't want the word "God" anywhere in the Constitution.

God I hope a Democrat wins...
I disagree. An addition is a change.

...and the context does matter. I realize it doesn't matter in regards to the differing opinions on that specific issue. But the issue is not the point I am making. I am saying that article makes it seem like he is looking to rewrite the whole thing or make some major overhaul, when he is simply talking about a single known issue that many people are discussing and divided over. It's written with a huge bias and in a manipulative way.

Except marriage isn't the issue. He wants to overhaul the ENTIRE constitution. Did you not read the article at all?
I disagree. An addition is a change.

...and the context does matter. I realize it doesn't matter in regards to the differing opinions on that specific issue. But the issue is not the point I am making. I am saying that article makes it seem like he is looking to rewrite the whole thing or make some major overhaul, when he is simply talking about a single known issue that many people are discussing and divided over. It's written with a huge bias and in a manipulative way.

Again, I tell you that the context does not matter one bit. Wanting to change the constitution to meet "God's standards" in any capacity is wrong, because it flies in the face of one of the most crucial principles on which this country was founded and which this country is supposed to stand for: Religious freedom, and it is absolutely clear that Mike Huckabee does not believe in religious freedom.
Again, I tell you that the context does not matter one bit. Wanting to change the constitution to meet "God's standards" in any capacity is wrong, because it flies in the face of one of the most crucial principles on which this country was founded and which this country is supposed to stand for: Religious freedom, and it is absolutely clear that Mike Huckabee does not believe in religious freedom.

Except marriage isn't the issue. He wants to overhaul the ENTIRE constitution. Did you not read the article at all?

Of course I read it. Your statements prove my point. If indeed this is just about one issue, then the article in misleading, because it makes it seem like he wants to overhaul it. If it is indeed about overhauling the entire constitution, then I would also be more concerned. There is no context. It's bad reporting. It's alarmist.
It isn't "alarmist" if it's actually something that we should be alarmed over.

Agreed. And if he is suggesting an overhaul, then we should be alarmed. But without a context, we don't even know how to take this report. If he indeed is talking about the marriage issue, then this is alarmist.

If you guys can't see past the manipulative nature of this report, then it has worked.

There's the speech where he said it.

For those that can't view the video or have no sound:

MIKE HUCKABEE: I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that's what we need to do, to amend the Constitution so it's in God standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.
Agreed. And if he is suggesting an overhaul, then we should be alarmed. But without a context, we don't even know how to take this report. If he indeed is talking about the marriage issue, then this is alarmist.

If you guys can't see past the manipulative nature of this report, then it has worked.

Oh hey look:

Again, I tell you that the context does not matter one bit. Wanting to change the constitution to meet "God's standards" in any capacity is wrong, because it flies in the face of one of the most crucial principles on which this country was founded and which this country is supposed to stand for: Religious freedom, and it is absolutely clear that Mike Huckabee does not believe in religious freedom.

From NBC/NJ's Adam Aigner-Treworgy
WARREN, Mich. -- Huckabee's closing argument to voters here this evening featured a few new stories and two prolonged sections on illegal immigration and Christian values.

These two topics usually feature prominently in Huckabee's stump speech, but last night he got specific, promising to build a border fence within 18 months if elected and elaborating on his belief that the constitution needs to be amended.

"[Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards," Huckabee said, referring to the need for a constitutional human life amendment and an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Huckabee often refers to the need to amend the constitution on these grounds, but he has never so specifically called for the Constitution to be brought within "God's standards," which are themselves debated amongst religious scholars. As a closing statement he asked the room of nearly 500 supporters to "pray and then work hard, and in that order," to help him secure a victory in Tuesday's GOP primary.

Tomorrow Huckabee will visit two polling places in the morning before taking off for South Carolina where he will watch Michigan's returns come in.

So it's abortion and marriage. It's not an overhaul. The context was left out of that article. I am a bit more concerned about the abortion thing, not that I am pro-abortion.
Even with context the idea that he wants to change the constitution in ANY WAY for religious reasons is absolutely ridiculous and to allow him even the chance to TRY would be a shot to the head for this country.