Mike Huckabee is a jackass

Well I multiquoted a ton of posts as I read this but I think I'll just respond. Shit like this fills me with hate, rage and sadness. Mike Huckabee is trying to limit every single American's freedoms based on his absurd religion. He is putting a bronze age text above the rights of me and everyone else in America and it sickens me to the core. This is why I hate religion. This is why I get so wrapped up in religious debates.

To Ack: ANY use of religion as a reason to restrict rights, such as marriage for homosexuals is against the constitution. Since there are no rational reasons to deny a loving couple the right to get married, assholes like Huckabee just come out and say that their loving religion tells them to fuck up other peoples lives. No matter the context of his comments, any use of religion as justification to change the Constutition is completely counter to the religious tolerance this country was founded on.

Now some people argue that by not allowing Christian hate to be codified in law, we are just favoring atheism over religion. This is not the case. An absence of religion does not mean favoring atheism. Favoring atheism would be like saying only atheists could get married or bullshit like that.
Well I multiquoted a ton of posts as I read this but I think I'll just respond. Shit like this fills me with hate, rage and sadness. Mike Huckabee is trying to limit every single American's freedoms based on his absurd religion. He is putting a bronze age text above the rights of me and everyone else in America and it sickens me to the core. This is why I hate religion. This is why I get so wrapped up in religious debates.

To Ack: ANY use of religion as a reason to restrict rights, such as marriage for homosexuals is against the constitution. Since there are no rational reasons to deny a loving couple the right to get married, assholes like Huckabee just come out and say that their loving religion tells them to fuck up other peoples lives. No matter the context of his comments, any use of religion as justification to change the Constutition is completely counter to the religious tolerance this country was founded on.

Now some people argue that by not allowing Christian hate to be codified in law, we are just favoring atheism over religion. This is not the case. An absence of religion does not mean favoring atheism. Favoring atheism would be like saying only atheists could get married or bullshit like that.
Well said.
Well I multiquoted a ton of posts as I read this but I think I'll just respond. Shit like this fills me with hate, rage and sadness. Mike Huckabee is trying to limit every single American's freedoms based on his absurd religion. He is putting a bronze age text above the rights of me and everyone else in America and it sickens me to the core. This is why I hate religion. This is why I get so wrapped up in religious debates.

To Ack: ANY use of religion as a reason to restrict rights, such as marriage for homosexuals is against the constitution. Since there are no rational reasons to deny a loving couple the right to get married, assholes like Huckabee just come out and say that their loving religion tells them to fuck up other peoples lives. No matter the context of his comments, any use of religion as justification to change the Constutition is completely counter to the religious tolerance this country was founded on.

Now some people argue that by not allowing Christian hate to be codified in law, we are just favoring atheism over religion. This is not the case. An absence of religion does not mean favoring atheism. Favoring atheism would be like saying only atheists could get married or bullshit like that.

Agreed. As everyone else has said, religion of any sort has no place in politics.
whatever happened to freedom of or from religion?

You have it. You have not been persecuted for being "asatru" yet, have you? However, Huckabee's ridiculous attempts to remove this extremely important aspect of American freedom is, quite frankly, intolerable. I hope he dies of AIDS.
Again, I tell you that the context does not matter one bit. Wanting to change the constitution to meet "God's standards" in any capacity is wrong, because it flies in the face of one of the most crucial principles on which this country was founded and which this country is supposed to stand for: Religious freedom, and it is absolutely clear that Mike Huckabee does not believe in religious freedom.
Don't forget the separation of Church and State....

Marriage as a male-female institution only, definitely.
A little homophobic are we? lol Why do you care if 2 fags are getting married or 2 lez... unless you are the one walking down the aisle in a pretty lacy white dress with the song Here Comes the Bride... :lol: someone is not secure in his sexuality... they aren't bothering ya...

You have it. You have not been persecuted for being "asatru" yet, have you? However, Huckabee's ridiculous attempts to remove this extremely important aspect of American freedom is, quite frankly, intolerable. I hope he dies of AIDS.
It would be poetic justice if he did considering religious nuts like him blame AIDS as a epidemic from God for having homosexuals in our society...

Anyways Huckabee will never win so this debate is waste of time... the closest a right wing fanatical christian was elected was Bush and he turned out to be a fake using them to get elected plus he ruined this country in his reign in the last 8 years... so they would not vote a even more fanatical one... btw for those who do not know Huckabee is a ordained Southern Baptist Minister so you can understand why he has these views... i'm surprised he lasted about 10 years as Governor of Arkansas with his views....
Mort's post was sarcasm, see his other posts IN THIS THREAD re: his opinions on gay marriage (he is for it, like every sensible person in the world).
I was actually stating that the issues with not wanting to allow gay marriage are wholly religious and that there are no reasonable points against allowing it.
That's not actually in the constitution, so I didn't bother to include that specific phrasing in my post, but the idea was still expressed.

Let's not dilly-dally around the semantic interpretations when we have all the evidence to believe that a national religion shouldn't have been installed or thought about from both federalists & anti-federalists, Madison, Jefferson, and a crapload of other founding fathers. Do we really need to take a look at England to see what happens when a country holds one faith above any other?
Let's not dilly-dally around the semantic interpretations when we have all the evidence to believe that a national religion shouldn't have been installed or thought about from both federalists & anti-federalists, Madison, Jefferson, and a crapload of other founding fathers. Do we really need to take a look at England to see what happens when a country holds one faith above any other?

Uh, what?
Religion is one of the things that angers me most about America (it pisses me off how things like occultism still count as qualifications to give a record a "parental advisory" sticker; and it's the reason sex is so censored in films; and what the hell is the problem with 'The Golden Compass? Gods...). I enjoy pagan religion and mythology, and I'm very attracted to pagan rituals and beliefs; but it's impossible to admit one admires paganism in America without conjuring images of animal/human sacrifices, violence, hedonism and immorality; and that pisses me off.

However, I'm conservative when it comes to economy, and I'm not a fan of socialized health care. I believe in free-market economy and capitalism. I admire the Puritan work ethic, I just don't follow it as strenuously as they did or necessarily believe in their religion. Still, I'm a full supporter of capitalism. Socialist/Communist societies frighten me; they stifle originality and creativity.