Mike Patton

ya got to be mean to keep them keen, though i wouldnt let a groupie near me, they only want fame and fortchin! dirty sluts pffft! get fucked yis waste of space! ha
hmmm lemme point out a few flaws in your process...
a) you make the assumption that im trying to achieve anything
b) you make the assumption that el zupino is trying achieve anything
c) you make the assumption that we're both trying to achieve the same thing o_O
d) you use the term trolling completely inaccurately

ie trolling: "To utter a posting on Usenet or elsewhere designed to attract predictable responses or flames"

So maybe you should fuck off again before you embarass yourself once more, and come back in a few years time when you might have the testicular fortitude required to shoot your mouth off in the real world in the manner that you do here, cos from what i heard you're somewhat lacking when it comes to talking the talk and walking the walk. :) :)
Cerulean said:
Spending the past few years trolling on the Anathema and Antimatter forums scaring people away. Maybe you should get your own private forum so no one would bother you :):):)

do i scare you? c'mon, do i really scare you?, how do i scare you? is this scary? is that scary? i mean how the fuck do i scare? i scare you?