Mike VansEvers? Audiophiles please come inside...


Jan 10, 2005

A friend of mine swears this dude is completely legit. I'm not trying to be biased but so far I'm not a believer. This guy sold/gave him this wooden clamp with some copper in/on it. He swears if you clamp it to the power chord of your amp and move it up and down (to and from the tranny basically) you can hear an audible difference in quality and that it can improve the sound big enough that average joes can hear it.

Also, simply tightening or loosening certain screws in a headshell - even the wood used to make the headshell - can make an audible difference to even an average listener.

I'm currently trying to convince my friend to do a mic'ed test so I can make it a blind comparison as I'm extremely curious, but not sold. Didn't find anything through the search about this guy so I wanted to see if anyone here has heard of him or his claims. There is an article he wrote some time ago regarding his theories. It is explained quite well and he has a couple of tests he thinks people should try and apparently that will show you he's not a nutjob. Haven't tried them yet.

He also claimed, on his now shut down website www.vansevers.com, that audio can sound way better or way worse depending on which way you orient the cable. For example, a guitar cable has two ends, END A and END B. Take your guitar and plug END A into it, END B into the amp. Sounds normal, like a guitar into an amp, right? He claims, basically, that if you take END A and put it in the amp and END B into the guitar that it will have a better or worse sound than before. And all cables perform this way.

Those that can't be arsed to read the article above, I'll give you a quick glimpse here. He says that if you take something like a component audio system, the kind that are big and you have like a big thing for the FM receiver and a big unit for tapes and a big unit for CDs, you know - old school audiophile style? If you take that and listen to some audio you are familiar with and then put keys, jewel cases, coins, etc. on the CD player it will make an audible difference. More exact, make it more bright and such. Take them off and it'll be normal, which is "dull" in comparison.

I dunno.. I'm curious to see what you guys think/say haha.
" audio can sound way better or way worse depending on which way you orient the cable"
What a fucking crock of shit.
The rest of that seems bullshit, but apparently in some cases it can make a difference which end of a cable goes to the guitar and amp. I know ProCo Lifelines cables have these markings and separately colored plugs:


Anybody have any idea what they do in the construction which could make a difference?

Planet Waves cables have that too, pretty sure it's just a matter of the amp section having better shielding against as it's much closer to all the electrical crap that can cause noise
Mike Vansevers is legit. He lives in my neighborhood and used to design and build stuff like crossovers and summing amps for me, he's wires up new recording studios and patent electronic equipment. He's done stadium concert sound in the 70's at the big stadium shows. I have seen this pocket rocket in a studio in Clearwater and you just put it in your shirt pocket and vocals sound better. He makes them for guitar also. It's the strangest thing buy it works. Mikes knowledge is so far advanced than most people. This guy has been around for a long time and knows his stuff and a lot more than most people.
Necrofail. And no, it's total bullshit. Produce LEGITIMATE CLIPS a/b'ing the difference, with PROOF of which is which, then I'm sure I would slightly believe it. Funny you say he's been around for a long time and "knows his stuff and a lot more than most people" yet the first time I ever heard of him was when I posted this thread ages ago and even that was only because of a friend of mine that lives where he does. If he really was such a brilliant person, don't you think he would be recognized as such? Most everything I ever came across after learning who/what he does has basically said he is a joke. His ideas and claims defy the laws of physics, logic and common sense.
I used to bring my jackson, and mesa rectifier head and 4x12 marshall stereo cab and he would use wooden blocks to put the cables on and adjust them for different sounds. He also made (at the time) high end power cords for amps ( though they work on computers too. In fact I just built my 3500 dream power pc for audio and video production and i am going to make a power cord for it as well as make new atx cabled for mu fully modular power supply. I understand ignorance makes people say some bad things sometimes but Mike VansEver is the real deal, an Einstien of the 21st century. Yngwie even endorsed one of his amp power cords called the green mamba. He is truely a genius!
LOL! Is this a VansEvers cult or it this himself creating multiple accounts? Seriously dude? Einstein of the 21s century? Have you got any idea what you're talking about? So putting the cables on wooden blocks sounds better? :lol:

Remember what that power cord is plugging into buddy.
