Mike VansEvers? Audiophiles please come inside...

I think he's christian. That's why his arguments consist of ignoring actual facts, not answering questions that would easily reveal his faulty theory, trying to ridicule and ignore the people questioning the theory and not showing any proof. Much like most believers of any stupid religion do :lol:
Hi all ! Dont really care they think troll . Will not lower myself to that level . OK , so the question is ..why do high end components have damping material added to the inside of their cases . Nobody has an answer , all the geniuses here and nobody has an answer ? OK , how about this one ... how can two solid state amps measure within 1/10 of 1 db from each other and still sound completely different ? After all if it measures the same it has to sound the same , right ? Calling all geniuses !! have a great week all .....brad

Brad and/or Luke....

Hi all ! Dont really care they think troll . Will not lower myself to that level . OK , so the question is ..why do high end components have damping material added to the inside of their cases . Nobody has an answer , all the geniuses here and nobody has an answer ? OK , how about this one ... how can two solid state amps measure within 1/10 of 1 db from each other and still sound completely different ? After all if it measures the same it has to sound the same , right ? Calling all geniuses !! have a great week all .....brad

High end manufacturers will include whatever "features" sell regardless of performance. If you guys demand damping they'll though it in b/c in the scheme of component cost it's negligible.
Were those measurements taken using the same instruments in the same lab on the same day with a regulated power source? Manufacturer published data is notoriously inaccurate and isn't really comparable b/c the way the measurements are taken is generally unknown. Also, amplifiers respond differently under different loads. The loads of speakers vary throughout they frequency range (an 8ohm speaker is just an average-- it may be 6@1k, 12@500 etc.). So even if two amplifiers measure the same in a fixed load situation that doesn't mean that they'll sound the same on a given speaker box.
But really, even if you fundamentally reject the idea it's measurable in a lab, any audible tone difference is capturable with a high quality microphone and recorder. So again, refer to picture of flight.
Hi all ! Yes , different loads do change the interaction with the amplifier . However , what if you used 4 different amps with the same speaker , hence providing the same load to the amp ? How still does the 4 amps sound different , remember they measure the same , if you look at the frequency response curves the 20 - 20000 hz lines always parallel each other . Anyway , the purpose of these forums is to share and learn . Calling me a con and even worst yet a Christian for fuck sake isnt really productive for anything . If you look at all the products like black diamond racing cones , brass cones , isolation shelves ,etc they all do the same thing .. manipulation of the mechanical resonances to change the sound . Some of these products claim to " isolate " but in reality they do change the sound . As I initially stated I have nothing to gain here except sharing my knowledge and experience . I dont have to get a camera and a mike and provide any proof of anything . I made the offer of anyone who was near the Tampabay are to come by , offer is still there ....just pm me .Reallly sorry you guys got all worked up ( all worked up = great show , but fake...lol) but hopefully in you quest for better sound you will have the opportunity to realize some things that make no sense are actually true . It took me 15 years to figure out that a Linn Sondek turntable did actually sound more musical than the Kenwood KD500 table that was my staple for so many years . With the same arm , wiring and cartridge it sounded completely different . But then again it cant sound different because it measures exactly the same , right ? Its obvious there are many closed minds on this forum and that is a shame . Wishing you all continued success........brad ohh crap...... hang on a sec , brad IS my real name ...my son used to use lukesky518 as his handle on combat flight simulator , so I took luke and added it to brad .....boy , feel much better now !!! (lol)
If the amps measure the same they sound the same, its that simple. Any other audible difference you might experience is due to changes in airpressure, humidity, electrical problems or the case of a stupid motherfucker suffering from placebo(Which seems to be the case here.).
On the other hand, two amplifiers can have the exact same components and sound and react differently from each other.. but if you start to measure them you will notice that they actually are different due to that a few of the components will differ slightly from each other causing them to behave slightly differently as well.

And if we are going to talk about turntables you have allot more to consider then the electronical parts, as its actually an acoustic device.
If you have 5 turntables that are exactly alike, made out of the same type of wood they will sound different due to the grains in the wood being differently causing the resonance to change.. which in its turn gets transfered to the disk AND arm.

Its like comparing 2 acoustic guitars, NOT comparing 2 identical keyboards.
Hi all ! Yes , different loads do change the interaction with the amplifier . However , what if you used 4 different amps with the same speaker , hence providing the same load to the amp ? How still does the 4 amps sound different , remember they measure the same , if you look at the frequency response curves the 20 - 20000 hz lines always parallel each other .

If you actually knew anything about components used in electronics, you'd know there are always varied tolerances when it comes to the manufacturing. You'll never, ever get any two of the same components to sound identical.

As I initially stated I have nothing to gain here except sharing my knowledge and experience . I dont have to get a camera and a mike and provide any proof of anything .
When you come in here and tell us the claims are true... yeah, you sort of do need to provide some kind of proof to back it up. Otherwise it's just hearsay, unproven bullshit. As said, if it does make a difference, a simple comparison clip will show it. Why is it so god damn hard for you to understand that?

Reallly sorry you guys got all worked up ( all worked up = great show , but fake...lol) but hopefully in you quest for better sound you will have the opportunity to realize some things that make no sense are actually true .
Who's worked up? I'm not... can't say I get that impression from anyone else in this thread. The only thing I see are sane, logical people asking for proof and some guy, you, basically saying don't worry, just trust me on it.

It took me 15 years to figure out that a Linn Sondek turntable did actually sound more musical than the Kenwood KD500 table that was my staple for so many years . With the same arm , wiring and cartridge it sounded completely different . But then again it cant sound different because it measures exactly the same , right ?
Or you wanted to hear a difference... it's called the placebo effect. Even the best ears in the business have been bested by it.

Its obvious there are many closed minds on this forum and that is a shame .
Closed-minded people don't repeatedly beg for proof.

Thanks for trying though, I anxiously look forward to your next response which is sure to have more lulz in addition to your usual tap dancing routine around the fact that despite all the claims you have made there is still zero evidence backing any of it up.

Think of it this way, do lawyers just show up in court and say "I don't have to show you any evidence, just take my word on it that he didn't kill the guy."? No. They produce verifiable facts that prove their case. Right now your case holds no water, as they say. It's as simple as that.
Hey Brad, I've got a real nice bridge for sale: It's using new technology, so it doesn't use suspension wires, cables, concrete or a roadbed. It's right next to the Tampa Bay bridge, and if you stare at it for 18 days straight in good clear weather with absolutely no wind, you'll actually see it!

Contact me in three weeks if you'd like to purchase it, I can give you an unbelievable deal!

I believe I drove on that on my way to the State Theatre venue in St. Pete.
Great job on that, Glenn. I felt safe as fuck. :worship:
Long time ago I stumbled upon a conversation here regarding my former neighbor so I responded. It was not Mike, was not a necro bump - I didn't even know what that was and had to look it up and I'm certainly not some short troll, lol. Talk about cynical! Watch out for those black helicopters that are coming to get you and don't forget to take off your tin foil hats also. And no Im not Mike either, lol. Brad, please send me his contact info in private so I can pass it along to the person that email me.
Long time ago I stumbled upon a conversation here regarding my former neighbor so I responded. It was not Mike, was not a necro bump - I didn't even know what that was and had to look it up and I'm certainly not some short troll, lol. Talk about cynical! Watch out for those black helicopters that are coming to get you and don't forget to take off your tin foil hats also. And no Im not Mike either, lol. Brad, please send me his contact info in private so I can pass it along to the person that email me.

Long time ago I stumbled upon a conversation here regarding my former neighbor so I responded. It was not Mike, was not a necro bump - I didn't even know what that was and had to look it up and I'm certainly not some short troll, lol. Talk about cynical! Watch out for those black helicopters that are coming to get you and don't forget to take off your tin foil hats also. And no Im not Mike either, lol. Brad, please send me his contact info in private so I can pass it along to the person that email me.

You do realize that the words "cynical" and "paranoid" have entirely different meanings, don't you?