Mike "Yaz" Jastremski (Heathen) dies

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Yet another metal musician goes to the great dressing room beyond, in the wake of David Wayne's death. Yaz played on Heathen's classic debut Breaking the Silence, and was generally considered one of the craziest, most entertaining musicians of the Bay Area thrash scene. Complete fucking bummer.

I remember when trying to come up with a good band of dead metal musicians was hard. Now it's all too easy. :(


RIP Yaz.
Thanks, GoD.

RIP Yaz...


Oh no! I just realized that this thread was the first time Erik ever acknowledged a post of mine as funny! The proof's gone forever! What a stinking double-edge that was!
Oh, I see, so it was a shit post after all...

...no, no, I won't do it. I won't help derail this thread again. Let's not tarnish the memory of this musician with bickering.

The new Heathen album should be a worthy tribute, from what I've heard of it.