Mike "Yaz" Jastremski (Heathen) dies

What the hell is the problem here?

It's a thread of discussion on a public forum on the Internet.

Expect some disagreement with the crowd sentiment from time to time.

Taking the death of someone whom you had no contact with nor relation to beyond listening to the music they produced as seriously and personally as you all are doing is laughable.

If you can't understand why, you'll probably get offended, and furnish us with your handwringing, pedantically moralistic outrage at an anonymous dissenting opinion. I think death fear, as expressed in this thread, is an utterly hilarious response and reaction to being confronted with mortality.

How Christianized has metal become, that when some person dies who only held relevance to a socially dysfunctional group of introverted kids who dress their self-image up in the music they listen to, the public domain is flooded with "RIP"'s and tearful assertions of the "tragedy" of his "passing"? He didn't pass anywhere - he died. So will you. So will we all.

Get over it, and do something meaningful with your lives.
anonymousnick2001 said:
The new Heathen album should be a worthy tribute, from what I've heard of it.
Anything done by an idiotic band who prides themselves on sounding like they would have been redundant 20 years ago will fucking suck, you filthy christian camel-jockey.
Blaphbee said:
What the hell is the problem here?

It's a thread of discussion on a public forum on the Internet.

Expect some disagreement with the crowd sentiment from time to time.

Taking the death of someone whom you had no contact with nor relation to beyond listening to the music they produced as seriously and personally as you all are doing is laughable.

If you can't understand why, you'll probably get offended, and furnish us with your handwringing, pedantically moralistic outrage at an anonymous dissenting opinion. I think death fear, as expressed in this thread, is an utterly hilarious response and reaction to being confronted with mortality.

How Christianized has metal become, that when some person dies who only held relevance to a socially dysfunctional group of introverted kids who dress their self-image up in the music they listen to, the public domain is flooded with "RIP"'s and tearful assertions of the "tragedy" of his "passing"? He didn't pass anywhere - he died. So will you. So will we all.

Get over it, and do something meaningful with your lives.

Hey cunt, spare us all the heavy-handed and extremely old and extremely stupid and not at all shocking anymore anus nonsense. Nobody posting on this forum is sitting in their room sobbing over this guy's death. People are merely acknowledging the fact that someone they admire has died and they are showing some fucking respect. How is that so wrong and how does that in any way show that these people are afraid of death? I guess you have to be one of the "ubermenschen" to not have any kind of fear of your own mortality.
Posting appreciation for the guy's achievments would be more useful than the worthless "RIPs", but I didn't see a whole lot of serious whining *until* people idiotically let themselves get uber-trolled by Cynical. I deleted all of that shit because it was like a fucking playground.

For what it's worth, I like Breaking the Silence quite a bit. I'm pretty indifferent about the guy's death, but he gets praise for any input he had on the writing of that album. If someone posts an anniversary thread for Dimebag's death though, on any forum other than this one (wouldn't want to be stripped of my moderatorship ;)), expect no mercy.
Maybe it was a mistake to react to Cynical's post, but he attempted to use the death of someone I knew in real life, had a great deal of respect for on a musical and personal level, and who was very close to friends of mine, as a springboard for his self-indulgent "war against Judeo-Christianity," utterly disrespecting him in the process.

It's shit like this that makes me hate the internet.
Nothing wrong with fighting him if he's pissed you off, I just think the best way of fighting him in these circumstances would be to ignore him - he wants a rise out of you, after all. If you think he's that much of a dipshit, there's an ignore function too.
He'll never ignore me- he feels this downright... judaic need to respond as if he's been wronged, just to get his martyr kick.
Blaphbee said:
What the hell is the problem here?

It's a thread of discussion on a public forum on the Internet.

Expect some disagreement with the crowd sentiment from time to time.

Taking the death of someone whom you had no contact with nor relation to beyond listening to the music they produced as seriously and personally as you all are doing is laughable.

If you can't understand why, you'll probably get offended, and furnish us with your handwringing, pedantically moralistic outrage at an anonymous dissenting opinion. I think death fear, as expressed in this thread, is an utterly hilarious response and reaction to being confronted with mortality.

How Christianized has metal become, that when some person dies who only held relevance to a socially dysfunctional group of introverted kids who dress their self-image up in the music they listen to, the public domain is flooded with "RIP"'s and tearful assertions of the "tragedy" of his "passing"? He didn't pass anywhere - he died. So will you. So will we all.

Get over it, and do something meaningful with your lives.

Interesting how you instantly gravitate to the forum upon a musician's death to post the same redundant nonsense you always post in an RIP thread to restore your conviction in your bland and inoffensive atheism and all-knowing attitude to the tribulations of life and death, handled differently by each person, I might add. Your self-fellatio is pathetic, not revolutionary, so do us, and yourself, a favor...meet your mortality. What's the matter? Chicken?

Cynical said:
He'll never ignore me- he feels this downright... judaic need to respond as if he's been wronged, just to get his martyr kick.

You're not ignored because you're the GMD's equivalent of an ANUS-talking punching bag. It's just too much fun getting a by-the-numbers answer out of you. Do you honestly think no one predicted your dumbfuckery to show up in this thread? A second time, even? Pyrus only flipped out at you because he had a personal connection with the deceased, not because you're actually worthy of his time.

And the clip of the new Heathen song was posted up here not long ago. It owns you and the titless, self-fisting, sub-Neanderthal of a progenitor that was your mother, father, and uncle combined. Accept it, and bend over for Bubba.

And it's hilarious that you use "Judaic" as an insult.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Interesting how you instantly gravitate to the forum upon a musician's death to post the same redundant nonsense you always post in an RIP thread to restore your conviction in your bland and inoffensive atheism and all-knowing attitude to the tribulations of life and death, handled differently by each person, I might add. Your self-fellatio is pathetic, not revolutionary, so do us, and yourself, a favor...meet your mortality. What's the matter? Chicken?

It's also interesting how you've taken it upon yourself to be the champion who combats me every time these threads pop up.

Tell me, what real purpose does an "RIP" serve to the person who is deceased? You can simply remember them in your heart and mind without the need for a tangible representation or vocalisation of your feelings.

My "bland and inoffensive atheism"? I don't hate the concept of god, I merely despise the Christian mentality that holds a fear of death and a will to subvert it through spacy, irreal concepts like an afterlife. Death will take us all at some point - it's what we do with the time we have that matters. Focusing solely on the endpoint of one's existence, and by extension, fretting over mortality because of hearing of another's death is wasting one's own time and energies, which could be used towards doing something meaningful. Obviously my stance in opposition to your's and Cythraul's causes you personal harm, whereas to me, it signifies debate, although you see it as deviation from crowd-logic.

This now marks the second time you've called for my death at seeing a dissenting opinion voiced in response to the crowd's, and your own. What kind of humanist are you, anyway? You seem to bear more resemblance to the fascists and nazis you so vehemently oppose in ideological orientation. Saying something different than everyone else says in a democracy shouldn't earn scorn and vitriol - it should be praised, as I'm offering an individual opinion, much in the same way as you all are.

Difference is, is that mine is historically and philosophically buttressed, versus the mouth-frothingly resentful blathering which characterizes your own opinion. You can get lost in your precious "subjective/objective" divides all you want - reality remains stable, and lends more weight to objective judgments (not moral or absolutized) than insane chauvinistic subjectivists like you.
Blaphbee said:
Tell me, what real purpose does an "RIP" serve to the person who is deceased? You can simply remember them in your heart and mind without the need for a tangible representation or vocalisation of your feelings.

So you're offended by people voicing their feelings about someone's untimely death? How could I not interpret that myself and say that YOU are the one that's "afraid of death, blah blah blah"? Get off of your high-horse. You're not existing in some kind of exclusive mode of being that all of the "untermenschen" simply don't understand just because you choose not to vocalise your feelings about someone's death.

My "bland and inoffensive atheism"? I don't hate the concept of god, I merely despise the Christian mentality that holds a fear of death and a will to subvert it through spacy, irreal concepts like an afterlife. Death will take us all at some point - it's what we do with the time we have that matters. Focusing solely on the endpoint of one's existence, and by extension, fretting over mortality because of hearing of another's death is wasting one's own time and energies, which could be used towards doing something meaningful. Obviously my stance in opposition to your's and Cythraul's causes you personal harm, whereas to me, it signifies debate, although you see it as deviation from crowd-logic.

Hmmm, all of that seems completely besides the point. I think people have been acknowledging mortality since time immemorial. How is acknowledging someone's death and paying respect logically connected with a Christian worldview? Nobody is fretting over their own mortality. I think we've all gotten on with our lives by now. And what exactly constitutes "meaningful" in this case? Ignoring this death? Should we instead be thinking about how we can further the indo-european cause? Also, I think it takes about 2 seconds to post a response in a thread of this kind so I don't think it's that big of a deal. By the way, why are you still posting in this thread? Is that somehow more meaningful?

Difference is, is that mine is historically and philosophically buttressed

Uhh huh. Get over yourself, Nietzsche.
You could've done a lot of meaningful things while you were typing up that post explaining why you're so special and unique because you don't agree with everyone else, you know. But the truth is, you're just another stupid fuck on the internet like the rest of us. Not one of us is better than another, regardless of vocabulary size or opinion. You have a real superiority complex. Why don't you find an issue more worthy of debate than the fruitlessness of posting a three letter acronym on the internet? You know, do something meaningful like the ubermensch that you clearly are, as seen by your anti-herd philosophy and sophisticated vocabulary?
We came pay respect to a man who touched other's lives, and by doing so offer comfort to those thus touched. This thread was not a big deal until you disrespectful shitheads hijacked it with your masturbatory nihilism.

GoD, please close this thread, I'd rather not have anyone else pissing on Yaz's memory.

Well, one last note...I can confidently say that this thread was never made in fear of death. So the crux of the "offender's" point goes there.