Mike "Yaz" Jastremski (Heathen) dies

Pyrus, I'm not attempting to "piss on Yaz's memory" with my questioning, although that's what has been interpreted. You obviously knew him, unlike the other useless dregs who have chipped in thus far. Your sympathy is apparent, and I don't disrespect it, but there is a larger issue here which I have tried to touch upon, and have found that the moronic shithorde here is only capable of the predictable crowd-tendencies which I despise.

Regardless, I'm no fan of Nietszche, who was woefully imbalanced in his approach to philosophy, and hardly produced a philosophy worthy of basing one's life around.

Nice try though Cythraul. Your incompetence where this sort of thought is concerned speaks volumes. Where did I regurgitate any of Nietzsche's rhetoric regading the superman and/or untermenschen? If all you have is strawmen to knock down, find another argument to befoul - I've seen your behaviour here and on your precious time-wasting SOT2; you are the consumate pretentious know-nothing. Have you read any other philosophy beyond Nietzsche? If so, you would be able to recognize the sources where my own stems from. Otherwise, your input is neither wanted nor needed when adults are discussing important matters.

All I've seen around these parts is resentful egalitarian whining in response to the big bad nazi. The revolt of the crowd and it's own inherent inferiority complex is an amusing spectacle to behold.

Any other pitiful dreck to moan about, while reality stands unchanged? or is my point going to remain unchallenged?
Blaphbee said:
Pyrus, I'm not attempting to "piss on Yaz's memory" with my questioning, although that's what has been interpreted.

What exactly are you questioning? So far you've brought up nothing we haven't heard already. You're just being pretentious.

but there is a larger issue here which I have tried to touch upon

This is hardly the thread for whatever issue you've attempted to touch upon. The thread isn't called "Christian fear of mortality discussion." You don't give a fuck about any so-called issue. That's quite apparent from the fact that the only time you ever post here is to chime in when someone dies. Why haven't you taken your serious ideas to the philosophy subforum?

and have found that the moronic shithorde here is only capable of the predictable crowd-tendencies which I despise.

Yeah you've got some really profound insights here, what with all your arguments consisting solely of lame pejoratives.

Nice try though Cythraul. Your incompetence where this sort of thought is concerned speaks volumes. Where did I regurgitate any of Nietzsche's rhetoric regading the superman and/or untermenschen?

Oh come on. Where have you made any points in this thread that would indicate that your entire line of thinking is not dictated by cunts like Prozak and Nietzsche. You actually haven't said anything enlightening in this thread; that's why you're annoying.

If all you have is strawmen to knock down, find another argument to befoul - I've seen your behaviour here and on your precious time-wasting SOT2; you are the consumate pretentious know-nothing.

I'm glad to know you've been checking up on me.

Have you read any other philosophy beyond Nietzsche?


If so, you would be able to recognize the sources where my own stems from. Otherwise, your input is neither wanted nor needed when adults are discussing important matters.

Don't condescend to me like that. All points you've made thus far are so fucking elementary. Don't pretend that I can't possibly understand your "important" philosophical musings.

All I've seen around these parts is resentful egalitarian whining in response to the big bad nazi. The revolt of the crowd and it's own inherent inferiority complex is an amusing spectacle to behold.

Cythraul said:
Yeah you've got some really profound insights here, what with all your arguments consisting solely of lame pejoratives.

^ quoted for emphasis

or is my point going to remain unchallenged?

What point?
Cyth, I think the most annoying part is that he thinks he's actually being offensive or revolutionary in his grand revelation of our herd mentality and collective stupidity. He's looking for a knee-jerk reaction or some other such bullshit and stroking his own cock at the thought of us "chauvinistic subjetivists" cowering in confusion and fear of his posts or viewpoints.

Get a life, tosser. You're not doing anything Planetary Eulogy can't do and hasn't done 500X better already.