Mike's chicken pox

Chicken pox! :lol: Hope it clears up quickly, sucks for you guys that they wont play. I wonder if his kiddy has the pox too?:p
Oh no!
I'm leaving for Gothenburg tomorrow morning... mostly to see Opeth for the first time. Damnit, this is devastating news. Anyway, krya på dig Mikael.
He should sing in bloodbath with that thing.
Nah, hope he gets better.
I've had that when I was a child, they say that it's better if you have it when you're a kid than if you are adult..
Well since he is sick he can't be doing anything. Maybe he will stick around the forum and we will get to talk to him a bit. I mean...I hope he rests and gets well soon.
Get well soon, and a pox on them chickens for sharing their disease.

....A common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta).... OMG MIKE'S GOT VD!!! And just like opeth, it changes through progressive stages!
I remember when I had chicken pox I had to take off my clothes in front of the doctor. I envy that doctor that gets Mikael.