Mike's new blog...

so is Lars his real first name?
I guess it's probably best he uses his middle, given that other hobbit.

descriptions sound maddeningly tantalizing. tracking down some of those reference points now.
np: Solefald - The Linear Scaffold
Next Opeth Lp: I'm writing and it's going quite well. I have around a dozen of song ideas. Some are downright evil sounding....a few Bathory (evil era 83-87) parts, some tech-death ones, some overblown prog ballad ones, one Nick Drake thing, one complete prog thing with triple harmony vocals, one evocative middle eastern psychedelic metal arrangement with falsetto vocals (not as wimpy sounding as you might think), one 70´s Scorpions sounding bit (like "Living and dying" type of stuff), one's totally murky forest-ish sounding dark prog-rock with loud vocals that shifts between major and minor, one tedious ugly/pretty little hobbit sounding symf part with moogs over a classical guitar, some soundtrack-ish sounding ones etc...
Yes, it's business as usual....

Well, that just about wraps it up for Opeth. As soon as you start throwing a bunch of influences into a patchwork quilt of a song which sounds like "this and that", you stop creating music as far as i'm concerned. I'll check the new album but this is very disappointing.
Dont judge before you hear it...


Mike always delivers an incredible set of emotional mind bending songs and tunes and it seems he's really psyched up about his latest inspirations...

12 Opeth songs = 96 to 120 minutes of music, could this be a double adventure?

Brilliant, here's anticipating. :kickass:
if he can some how blend all of those influences into one cohesive album will be he single biggest feat. ghost reveries was a disaster as far as a "flowing" album is concerned.
GREAT NEWS!!!! Damn these waits, I want it now. But Lars, take your time. Im sure the next Opeth album will be nothing less of amazing.
YES a progapalooza would own
opeth, PT, axamenta, riverside, anathema, just a few

As far as the opeth news: im more excited for the dvd than the new cd..is that bad?
god this shit is gonna own. if the dvd is set for release spring sorta time then it will serve as some nice in-between material for all us opeth fans to feast upon.

cant wait!!:kickass:
Well, that just about wraps it up for Opeth. As soon as you start throwing a bunch of influences into a patchwork quilt of a song which sounds like "this and that", you stop creating music as far as i'm concerned. I'll check the new album but this is very disappointing.

rofl. you're so fucking clueluess aren't you