Mike's parts on Crimson


Epic Member
Oct 30, 2004
Hello board,
Hi Dan!

Does anyone know which parts on Crimson are growled by Mikael?
If not so - would you, Dan, be so kind and mark them? :notworthy
Really, you need to buy that cd if you haven't already, it is a death metal classic!

It is really easy to pick out mike actually. He has 2 parts that are very similar. He is on there during the blast beats and mike is doing more screaming than growling.
Yea, Mike's parts are higher, and I think the 2 long growls/screams are his too. And that solo, it's good! very different from what he does in Opeth.
A sacrifice. A life arises, when one love has come, another dies.
I let her go and I do not know where to find her soul so alone.

War! They fought for what would be a blood-stained crown.
Utter chaos supreme.
The sand absords the colour of dawn.
Nevermore shall they dream, nevermore.

She drinks the life-blood from the feebled man.
Empty bodies, soul-drained by the virgin queen.
Finally given the pleasure to die.
She aligns the hate inside their hearts.
Her chosen knights will make sure all life departs.
Soon comes the end of all, she watched a chamber fall.
She heard her master call.

All those who died with you by their side were denied access
to the higher ground.
Eternal detest from the ones left unblessed, so possessed.
Their last caress was your knife in their hearts.
Fed from her deed, watching them bleed.
In her own conceit, a world to delete, lies at her feet.
Her demon inside do no longer hide.
Showing its face of hate and disgrace leaving their saviour

And that awesome part where he screams "God".

But like everyone has said you should really buy the CD.
Ah damn, I completely forgot this thread.

These aren't Mike's typical Opeth growls. Then again, no one rocognizes Mike on the Katatonia albums as well. But Dan has imo a big recognition score. I could easily filter his voice out of thousend others. Someone here who immediatly figured out Mike's parts on C1?

I couldn't know that Mike's parts are marked in the booklet, cause my cousin only lent me the CD and as I already wrote I have linked Crimson + Crimson II to one 80 minute song. So the thing is: I got the booklet to the second 40 minutes and my cousin to the first 40 minutes. :loco:
Cortexon said:
Ah damn, I completely forgot this thread.

These aren't Mike's typical Opeth growls. Then again, no one rocognizes Mike on the Katatonia albums as well. But Dan has imo a big recognition score. I could easily filter his voice out of thousend others. Someone here who immediatly figured out Mike's parts on C1?

I couldn't know that Mike's parts are marked in the booklet, cause my cousin only lent me the CD and as I already wrote I have linked Crimson + Crimson II to one 80 minute song. So the thing is: I got the booklet to the second 40 minutes and my cousin to the first 40 minutes. :loco:
Cortexon said:
Ah damn, I completely forgot this thread.

These aren't Mike's typical Opeth growls. Then again, no one rocognizes Mike on the Katatonia albums as well. But Dan has imo a big recognition score. I could easily filter his voice out of thousend others. Someone here who immediatly figured out Mike's parts on C1?

But... if you could filter out Dan's voice from thousands of other voices shouldn't you then be able to figure out when he's not singing, in other words, when Mike is..?
Cerebus said:
But... if you could filter out Dan's voice from thousands of other voices shouldn't you then be able to figure out when he's not singing, in other words, when Mike is..?

Yea, I supposed that the "high" parts isn't Dan, he never sang like that on the EOS albums or Moontower. However I didnt ask where Dan is not singing. I asked when Mike is singing. Since Mike is, lets say "flexible" (:D) I never thought that those "high" parts are Mike. Actually I even doubt that Mike ever sang on Crimson XD