Swanö clean chorus parts...


Jul 8, 2006
Hello everyone,

Anyone can answer this question, but if Dan himself does, i will be most pleased :)

I'm trying to figure out how Dan mixes the clean chorus parts, for instance as in The Dreamreader "dreamland is calling and i'm drifting away...", it sounds like mono vocal parts suddenly turns into some kind of a stereo effect. Or does it ?
Maybe he uses a doubler, or some sound shifter detuned and panned to left and right, or doubled the vocal part, detuned manually and panned them... I guess, he uses this technique in most of his songs. But I just couldn't figure it out exactly. I was recording a cover of "The Dreamreader" but couldn't manage to sound the vocals as Dan's clean chorus parts. I can post the cover in the forum, when i achieve my chorus parts sound like Dan ;)

Thanks in advance !

I normally do 3 dubs of each and pan 3 L 3 C 3 R
but sometimes there is 4 on the L and 4 on the Right and the lead stays intact in the C. Happy dubbing :)

thanks for the reply Dan :)

i used your technique and it worked well, still my vocals are no match with yours, but i guess it still did enough :lol:

hopefully i will post the cover soon and i hope you guys like it :rock:

rock on !
Jesus Christ, 9 vocal tracks? I'm lazy...lol. I usually settle for three, tops (unless there are super harmonies)! I'm gonna have to try this. I suppose you use a stereo bus for each group as well?