Milanos Jihad against Serj and Morello

Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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Milano is going off on Blabbermouth about Serj Tankian and Tom Morello's "Anti-American" comments.
He's not all wrong. I agree with the part about Alec Baldwin!
Alec Baldwin get out!
Oh, the Tipper Gore part too. He's absolutely right about that. What short memories. Everyone has such a hard-on for Al Gore. Meanwhile, his wife would have you listening to fucking Raffy. Fascist cunt that she is.
I think Morello, Tankian and Milano should all appear together on Politically Incorrect and duke it out (verbally of course). Throw in Scott and Charlie for the hell of it too. The guy that produced Bowling for Columbine as well.
Another thing...why is Milano adding people to Sgt. D's hit list??? Didn't Scott Ian come up with the Sgt.D character?? After slagging Ian, he decides to endorse a character that he made up??
What makes America so great is that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.....even Milano...after all, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has their's just too bad Milano has a dick in his.
Shit......let me carry on my little tirade here and also say: Iann Robinson can wrap his lips around my furry salty balls and hum me one of his band's tunes as I fart along with bass and slap his fat head in a percussive manner.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Shit......let me carry on my little tirade here and also say: Iann Robinson can wrap his lips around my furry salty balls and hum me one of his band's tunes as I fart along with bass and slap his fat head in a percussive manner.

:lol: That's pretty fucking sick, dude. Even for me.
It's fucking funny, but it's fucking sick. :lol:
yeah i agreed with most of what billy milano said, indonesia and the like fucking hate us aussies and telling us our policies are fucked,we give them endless millions when we should fix our fucking country first!!! no homeless people on the streets no poverty etc

and fuck feeling sorry for all the people in africa too,going on bout how theres no food yet they continue to root like rabbits!!!!!!!
do the math
arent u hungry..............................................................
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Another thing...why is Milano adding people to Sgt. D's hit list??? Didn't Scott Ian come up with the Sgt.D character?? After slagging Ian, he decides to endorse a character that he made up??

The man is (more) nuts! He actually believes himself to be Sgt. D of the S.O.D! Does this mean that he's going do all that stuff that he threatened in the song if Serj and Tom keep talkin' the smack? What if they don't own cats, he can't dissect them, and we all know he has no money whatesoever since breaking up S.O.D, so grandma is safe. OH NO! My sister! I'll be right back! :grin:

I bust on Milano when he is I have to give him props when he is right.

Props Billy.

Fuck Serj, Tom and Rage Against the Machine.
It kills me that these douche bags think they know what their talking about. I support this country and its leaders 100%.

People have a right to disagree and rag on our country and the innocent victims and young soldiers who are doing what they are told and believe to be the right thing.......but I have a right to tell these people to fuck themselves........and throw an inadvertant elbow to their jaw.