
Am I the only one that drinks 1%? I can't even drink other kinds of milk, they just taste weird, but I have about 3 glasses of 1% a day, plus I put it on my cereal. Milk is awesome. It's also the one thing that I bother to go organic on. Organic milk tastes better.
Mathiäs;7633104 said:
Chocolate milk ftw

Indeed. I like Nesquik because all you have to do is take it out of the frig.

best chocolate milk ever
I used to make chocolate shakes by throwing milk, hershey's syrup, vanilla ice cream and Swiss Miss powder into the blender.
On an almost daily basis. Nothing complements and peanut butter and jelly sandwich better. <--- That right there is a scientific fact and fuck you if you say otherwise.
On an almost daily basis. Nothing complements and peanut butter and jelly sandwich better. <--- That right there is a scientific fact and fuck you if you say otherwise.

I completely agree.

As I mentioned earlier, I don't think milk goes that great with most meals but in the case of a peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich, milk is the best option.