Mindflow Summer Tour Dates

The Sanctuary tent will be hosting Cage as well. Its a good year to check out Cstone. I'll be running sound at the tent as well as playing. :rock:
as far as I know Zod, they are not touring with anyone. They are just asking local bands and promoters (such as myself) to set up shows for them to come into. Since they are not widely known yet, hopefully this will work out for them in most cases. I think I've built a pretty good show around them with Meyvn visiting from Texas and perhaps the three strongest local true metal bands in the Atlanta scene.
Thanks. I'm not a huge fan, but I may try to catch the NJ show.

hey, more hospitality is always welcome Paul! :) :kickass:

I'll write you and see what you have in mind. Thanks for offer bro!

I just LOVE this Community we have! :tickled:


Hey Hoyt, I can provide some hospitality in the form of transportation.
Wow cool, Cage is playing too! I'd love to go, I really also want to see Sanctum and Drottnar! Say, got an extra pass? :D:D:D
I will see what I can do. One day or the whole fest ? This thing has really grown. I'm not sure most people in the Midwest realize that C Stone is a 4 day fest with 7 stages and about 15,000 a day attendance. Its just kind of tucked away on 700 acres in the middle of corn country.
I will see what I can do. One day or the whole fest ? This thing has really grown. I'm not sure most people in the Midwest realize that C Stone is a 4 day fest with 7 stages and about 15,000 a day attendance. Its just kind of tucked away on 700 acres in the middle of corn country.

Hmm... well I guess either or, but a whole fest pass would be pretty sweet since it would be a bear to get there and find out that a few other bands I want to see are playing a different day. I thought it was 13 stages, was it at one time or have I been exaggerating to people for years? (lol!) I've been to Cstone 3 times - C99, C2k, & C2k1. Been wanting to go back for a while but I've only been able to afford one fest trip for a few years now, and that's always ProgPower. Last year at Cstone there were a whole slew of bands I wanted to see but didn't get to go. That was a bummer! Thank youf or scoping out the comp pass for me - that's really awesome! Please let me know!! I'm getting excited just thinking about it!
Still though, wouldn't you rather pay a little bit more and have the chance to perform in front of a crowd that's bigger and more likely to become fans and spread the word about you than play 250 concerts at little bars with possibly no more than 20, 30 people at each of them? I mean, it just makes more sense to me.

A successful opening tour with fewer shows is in my opinion worth more than a piss-poor long headlining tour with no people showing up at the gigs.

Ambitious to say the least. Then again, these guys are loaded. If they can afford it, I say go for it. I may not agree 100% they're touring smart, simply because of the turn-out at their shows. Just ask anyone who went to their shows last year, I doubt any of them had more than 100 people. (Aside from Texas Madfest, of course).

Yup yup. But if this tour is successful that might be the next step for them. I think the thing is they don't have a real, legit booking agency that could get them on a real tour with other well known bands so they gotta DIY it. That's fine- whatever gets the word out. If they have the money and the drive it couldn't hurt. I am also sure they are smart enough to know to sell merch on the road too so we'll see how this goes. It's always fun to watch a small band grow.
Yup yup. But if this tour is successful that might be the next step for them. I think the thing is they don't have a real, legit booking agency that could get them on a real tour with other well known bands so they gotta DIY it. That's fine- whatever gets the word out. If they have the money and the drive it couldn't hurt. I am also sure they are smart enough to know to sell merch on the road too so we'll see how this goes. It's always fun to watch a small band grow.

These guys are hungry, they just want to play and make new fans. Luckily they do have money backing them. They have played with some really big acts, (SYMPHONY X just to name one). They do, and will bring tons of merch with them. I have been involved with these guys almost since the beginning, and it has been great to watch them grow, and read about them. Plus them are great guys, and true friends.
These guys are hungry, they just want to play and make new fans. Luckily they do have money backing them. They have played with some really big acts, (SYMPHONY X just to name one). They do, and will bring tons of merch with them. I have been involved with these guys almost since the beginning, and it has been great to watch them grow, and read about them. Plus them are great guys, and true friends.

Jman had the official 4:20 pm post on 4/20, funny stuff.
Who exactly should local bands contact in order to get on the bill for one of these shows? I'd like to see what I can do to get some of the bigger local bands here in SoCal to get on the Long Beach show and ensure Mindflow actually plays for some people this time around!
Who exactly should local bands contact in order to get on the bill for one of these shows? I'd like to see what I can do to get some of the bigger local bands here in SoCal to get on the Long Beach show and ensure Mindflow actually plays for some people this time around!

Contact the venues. They will likely be the ones in charge of selecting the rest of the night's performers. They will direct you to a booking agent, unless he answers the phone. Just call up and say "I'd like to enquire about booking support bands for the MindFlow show at your venue on _____ date. Who would I need to speak with to set something up?"
My friend and I finally got all the bands confirmed for our fest in Kansas tentatively title "METAL OVER OZ". Its gonna be a metal extravaganza with a metal band for almost any fan. I am working on a fucking sweet themed flyer exclusively for the show, but that should be done by next week. :crosses fingers: Not to mention your headliner MINDFLOW is bringing a fucking kick ass stage/light show with them. Check that out down below.
Here is the lineup (which could change due to cancellations, etc)

MINDFLOW ----> (http://www.myspace.com/letyourmindflow)
ELCTRIKCHAIR ----> (http://www.myspace.com/elctrikchair)
MONTIA ----> (http://www.myspace.com/montiamusic)
POWND ----> (http://www.myspace.com/pownd)
LOWKUSS ----> (http://www.myspace.com/lowkuss)
GRAVESTORM ----> (http://www.myspace.com/gravestorm)
THE ARRET ZONE ----> (http://www.myspace.com/thearretzone)

Show Info:

July 8th Doors @ 5:00 or 5:30
$10 (over 21) and $12 (under 21)
The Granada
1020 Massachusetts
Lawrence, KS 66044


MINDFLOW (up to date vid) --->
MONTIA (older video) --->
POWND (new vid) ---> [ame]http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=33388433[/ame]
LOWKUSS (older video) --->
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I can't believe that there's a Corpus Christi show on the roster...and it appears to be confirmed now...

I wonder who's actually promoting this gig?...have to find out...

Rock on!
I can't believe that there's a Corpus Christi show on the roster...and it appears to be confirmed now...

I wonder who's actually promoting this gig?...have to find out...

Rock on!

and yes, please try to make it out to support these guys. They are busting their butts to tour across the U.S. this year and they deserve to be seen. :) They are fantsastic LIVE on stage, and some of the nicest guys you can meet offstage as well. I can't wait until they get to Atlanta when I get to showcase them.

and yes, please try to make it out to support these guys. They are busting their butts to tour across the U.S. this year and they deserve to be seen. :) They are fantsastic LIVE on stage, and some of the nicest guys you can meet offstage as well. I can't wait until they get to Atlanta when I get to showcase them.


Quoted just because its the truth. Cant wait til they tear The Granada in Lawrence apart!
Hey Ian, good job on landing POWND! I'd love to get those guys down to the ATL someday too! :kickass:

Lance - you listening? :p LOL

Yeah I am really excited about Pownd playing. I basically contacted all the Nightmare bands that were playing Rocklahoma to see if they wanted to make a pit stop in Lawrence. There would have been more, but due to scheduling conflicts no other bands could have made it and it been within the budget still.

Believe me though, I just finished my last final for the semester and this summer I am gonna bust my ass like never before supporting metal.

If anyone one from Kansas that I dont already know personally is reading this be prepared because over the next year METAL is coming to Kansas one way or another.

Oh that just gave me a great idea for a new thread.