Mindwarp Chamber CD Release Party

Here is Bob one year later (2008):
Good question....was wondering that myself. I am always rushed for Friday shows....gotta try to make myself look decent.

What are these giveaways that the flyer speaks of?

- A lock of Scott's hair?
- A blessing from Mike?
- Shreddy's slightly used bar soap?

Also, Lydian Sea indeed rocks. It's been at least two years since I saw them last, so definitely looking forward to the show.
True Witness is a good band as well. Allen is like an exotic animal on stage....you just can't look away. Ha!

So all in all, this will be one of the highlighted shows of the year. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of peeps I haven't seen in a while!
Amber, my hair went bye bye for the first time in 30 years:lol: Sucks but I know people judge you when you're looking for a job.

STI canceled so the bands will start around 10pm starting with True Witness, Lydian Sea and then Mindwarp Short Hair.

I can't wait to see everyone :rock:
Amber, my hair went bye bye for the first time in 30 years:lol: Sucks but I know people judge you when you're looking for a job.



Dude, in case you didn't know, I have a hair fetish...so this hurts....like a knife.
Ha! I'm sure you still look fabulous, Scott! ;)

Seriously though, I understand...especially in this economy it's a tough market with steep competition, but I still and will always strongly oppose the "Corporate bullshit short hair on a male theory".
It's total crap on so many levels...and I think I may cause this thread to go off topic, but this is something that I firmly believe in.

For one, it's prejudice. If a person is good for the position, what difference does it make if their hair is long?
"Equal Opportunity" my ass.
Even if you are in a Sales position or something where you meet with clients and all that crap, this just proves that we are failing as a society. Appearance should not mean anything.
Somewhere, someone said that we all must be cookie cutter copies of one another and have the clean cut look to be accepted or taken seriously. In other words, not be ourselves.
Who decided what we all must look like or act like?

Second, it's sexist. If a woman can have long hair and be considered a "professional", why can't a man?
"But you're a woman! You can have long hair!"
So what?
I once told one of my office coworkers that he should grow his hair long and his response was "I would get fired."
I told him he should grow his hair long and if they fire him, he would have one Hell of a lawsuit and we could use the winnings to start a "Liberation of the Long Hairs" Charity.

Anyway, back on track....
Looking forward to the show and thanks for the info Scott!
Even if you are in a Sales position or something where you meet with clients and all that crap, this just proves that we are failing as a society. Appearance should not mean anything.
Somewhere, someone said that we all must be cookie cutter copies of one another and have the clean cut look to be accepted or taken seriously. In other words, not be ourselves.
Who decided what we all must look like or act like?

Although I agree with you completely in theory. I used to have long hair, and I miss it like crazy.

Here's the problem.... We all judge people based on how they look. We shouldn't, but we do. Again, we shouldn't, in theory, but let me give you a good example of why it will never change....

You are going on a trip. You get to the airport and are sitting at the gate waiting for boarding. Up walks one of the pilots. He is grossly overweight, his shirt is half untucked, his hair is a mess, and he is unshaven. He shoes look like they've been worn through a war and never once been polished. He walks around with his mouth wide open as if it takes too much metal effort to keep it closed, and his bags are falling apart. How are you going to feel about getting on that airplane with him at the controls? Looks make a difference.

Having said that though, unless it is for safety reasons (working in a factory where there are a lot of machines that could catch long hair), and as long as it is kept neat, I really don't understand why hair length on men is an issue. I suspect that it has to do with the difficulty in setting standards. You could have one guy who has very straight hair that is well kept. He can put in a pony tail, and it would look very professional. On the other hand, you could have somebody whose hair is very wild and unkempt looking. It could be the same length as the other guy's. How does their manager talk to the one guy and tell him that his hair doesn't not look acceptable, while the other guy's does? It becomes subjective. Companies don't like rules that are subjective. They're hard to defend.

Second, it's sexist. If a woman can have long hair and be considered a "professional", why can't a man?
"But you're a woman! You can have long hair!"
So what?
I once told one of my office coworkers that he should grow his hair long and his response was "I would get fired."
I told him he should grow his hair long and if they fire him, he would have one Hell of a lawsuit and we could use the winnings to start a "Liberation of the Long Hairs" Charity.

The problem would be proving that is why they fired him. I got laid off from my last career, I suspect, primarily because I had long hair. We had a new CFO, and since he had started, three guys with long hair were laid off (I was the last). I'm cool with that though. Best thing that ever happened to me (though it resulted in me having to cut my hair). However, I could never prove it, or even come close.

Like I said, I am a strong believer that men should be allowed to have long hair in any business (other than for safety reasons). I'm just pointing out why it won't change in our lifetimes.
You are 100% correct. Not a sole could really argue.

I always am shocked by how some women in my office dress, esp in the summer. Very little to the imagination.

I mean, could a male wear sandals, shorts / skirts that JUST reach the bottom of your butt cheeks, shirts that expose the cleavage region, etc?

Not saying anyone wants to see a guy wear such clothing, but still.

I think it's all about presentation. I mean, if I had long hair, I would most likely tie it back on a daily basis, as I would deem it personally more professional.

Yeah, sorry for taking this thread off topic.
Yeah, I know, but there is a difference between having your "own appearance" (long hair, unshaven, etc) and being a complete slob. I mean, it's all about common sense.
I agree if it is a safety issue but most of the time there are precautions for that. (hair nets)
That sucks you had to cut your hair. Did you cry? I would have.

Where do you work?
I think it's all about presentation. I mean, if I had long hair, I would most likely tie it back on a daily basis, as I would deem it personally more professional.

Yeah, sorry for taking this thread off topic.

About the whole hair thing. I am a software engineer at a tiny company (with over 17 years of experience). Those that know me in person, knows I have some long, wavy/curly gold-blond hair (although, at the tender age of 40, it is starting to show some gray). Thankfully, I've never been "dinged" on my hair on all the years I've been working as a professional, both in my regular full-time job as a software engineer and during the winter as a professional skier on the ski patrol (been doing that for the past 10 years - been skiing for 30 years).

Just as quoted above, I typically keep my hair in a pony tail in professional, business type environments (and yes, I do sometimes interface with the clients). In fact, I am often complimented on how nice my hair looks (and on several occasions, been told by the other person how they wish they had hair like that).

Thankfully, I've never had to work in an environment where they got all anal about hair. I do think that is bullshit myself. If somebody did make a stink about my hair, I would ask them if they are hiring me for my skills and expertise or are they hiring me for my hair?

Anyway, to get back on topic - makes me wish I was in the Chicago area, as I'd love to see this show. I have Mindwarp Chamber's first album, and absolutely love it! I'll definitely will have to check out this new one.
I'll be there. Looking forward to the show. :)

Just one question though: Why is it starting at 10PM, instead of 9? I know one band cancelled, but I'm not sure why that should have an impact on starting time (if it does.)