
I get onto the servers I use just fine, but I hear DalNet has been shutting their servers down; so if that's where you're trying to go, that may be the problem.
Cuz DalNet sucks? :lol:

Just kidding..I don't know why, I haven't bothered with DalNet in about 4 years, since I found smaller and better IRC networks.
I haven't used IRC or a while. I was an op on 1000+ user Direct Warez, but it got shut down by the Feds while I wasn't there.

Never use Insiderz servers. They NARC out the biggest fserves and FTP's. I don't trust them.
are their any other good things to use to download music like album advances and stuff? i know bout Kazaa but its not tha good with album advances
Originally posted by SymbolicDeath666
i do use dalnet...why are they shuttin down?


a d.o.s. attack. my incredibly technological girlfriend is keen on telling me this stands for "denial of service" and it's an extremely stupid lamers' thing to do consisting in a lot of people sending requests to the server at the same time so that it can't process anything anymore.
at least that's what she's told me. in my brain it all translates to "evil gnomes from outer space are sticking peanut butter on the beautiful little elves' magic wands", of course.
