So, Jesus fulfills three Old Testament roles: Prophet, Priest, and King.
A Prophet is the guy who brings about awareness of sin.
The Priest is the man who intercedes between you and God, for forgiveness of sins and answering of prayers.
And a King is someone who rules, sovereign.
Jesus, of course, fulfills all of these perfectly. Through the Holy Spirit, He convicts of sin. Through His death, He forgives sins (penal substitutionary atonement), removes sin (expiation), God's wrath (propitiation), and brings our prayers to the Father. And Revelation says He's preparing His kingdom for His return at which time He will destroy His enemies.
In Mirror of Souls, we see the role of the Prophet (The Mirror of Souls) and the Priest (The Stranger), but not the King because the song is primarily concerned with being an allegory of salvation.
But then I Am is Jesus speaking in the first person almost exclusively about His role as Creator and as King.
And I don't know i it was on purpose, but I thought it was cool that the last track of album 2 and the first track of album 3 tied in so nicely together.
A Prophet is the guy who brings about awareness of sin.
The Priest is the man who intercedes between you and God, for forgiveness of sins and answering of prayers.
And a King is someone who rules, sovereign.
Jesus, of course, fulfills all of these perfectly. Through the Holy Spirit, He convicts of sin. Through His death, He forgives sins (penal substitutionary atonement), removes sin (expiation), God's wrath (propitiation), and brings our prayers to the Father. And Revelation says He's preparing His kingdom for His return at which time He will destroy His enemies.
In Mirror of Souls, we see the role of the Prophet (The Mirror of Souls) and the Priest (The Stranger), but not the King because the song is primarily concerned with being an allegory of salvation.
But then I Am is Jesus speaking in the first person almost exclusively about His role as Creator and as King.
And I don't know i it was on purpose, but I thought it was cool that the last track of album 2 and the first track of album 3 tied in so nicely together.