Miserably Ever After: The Official Sludge Thread


Approximately Infinite Universe
May 22, 2015
The Wildflower State

It's been noted before that we have several sludge metal threads but they always go inactive, so I'm putting this up and a concerted effort will be made to keep it active I guess.

Post any kind of sludge discussion, news, links, collection photos, newly purchased lists and anything else sludge-related here.

Some sludge favourites of mine that are underrated and not mentioned very often:

These guys were self-admitted Acid Bath fanatics and their music reflects that in many ways. Controversial opinion: I prefer this album to Acid Bath.

Killer band from Finland, taking their cues from bands like Grief and early Fleshpress.

Basically the band carrying the classic Eyehategod sound in the last decade while Eyehategod go through periods of inactivity. Awesome band, did a good split with Meth Drinker too.

Really gnarly obscure sludgecore.

New York sludge metal band that did one demo and then vanished.

For me 100% the modern masters of the subgenre (unless we're talking bands from any era still going which Fistula would be crowned with instead), sucks that they split up but they left behind a vicious fucking sludge legacy. Every single release is essential IMO.

Here's some of the 2018 sludge metal releases I'm into:

New Moloch album soon:

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Cool thread. Will post some stuff when I’m home tonight. I blasted ...At a Loss on the way to work today.
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One of the coolest things Coffins released was their MLP of nothing but sludge covers, many of which were just as good as the originals IMO.



Anybody else ever check this one out?
Of all the sludge/sludgy shit I've checked out from this year, this is some of the more noteworthy stuff (not re-posting shit I posted in the OP obv):

Thou (Louisiana): I've never gone wild over Thou like many have in the sludge scene but when they're on point I do dig them well enough and this record really fucking has its moments man. They're really good at capturing that feeling of desperation.

Medicine Noose (Germany): What can I say? Any band that names themselves after a Eyehategod song is bound to be a dirty nasty mess of feedback and hatred.

Stone Titan (Connecticut): After splitting up for a year or two my favourite noise rock sludgecore mongoloids are back with a new fucking release. Tongue-right-thru-cheek grungecore with as many nods to Tad, Melvins, Nightstick, Sloth and Fudge Tunnel as you can handle.

Deadbird (Arkansas): Not the biggest fan of Deadbird TBH but they have some nasty riffs and a few here might dig 'em.

Flesh Mother (Ohio): On the jammier side of sludge with that dirty burnout vibe to it, kinda like Buzzov-en or early Weedeater when they're leaning right the fuck back with a heavy groove by way of Iron Monkey's dystopian blues. Nasty vocals.

Brainoil (California): They've always liked to add the faster hardcore/thrashcore elements to their sludge and their new record is even more reliant on thrashy passages, sounding basically like a doomy death metal band. They've changed quite a bit since their killer debut but I still dig it! They know just how to fucking speed right into a slow motion car crash scene and blow my mind.

Slave Hands (Finland): Basically the inheritors to the throne Meth Drinker left behind when they split up. The similarities are endless in the best way possible. For anybody who isn't familiar with Meth Drinker (and by implication these guys) imagine sludge metal stripped down to its barest bones and pretensions, just plodding, dismal fucking nihilism in musical form.

Saltbuck (U.K.): Leechmilk and Molehill had a baby and beat it too many times.

Murder Hollow (Finland): Kinda reminds me of a less stoned out Bongzilla or something, great fucking build up to a nasty pay-off. Also has a riffing style that leans more towards traditional doom metal oddly enough, but it works

Grey Brain (U.K.): More youngsters worshiping at the altar of Grief, Noothgrush, Corrupted, Dystopia etc.

New Moloch album soon:

And now this beast is out and it's ugly and vicious:

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I didn't get so into Meth Drinker but saw them a few times. The first time they played Auckland was a house party alongside Crawler and it turned into a bit of a pillow/cushion fight as unlikely as that seems. :tickled:

A couple of recent releases from over this way, including Draulicht's demo from last month:

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I loved Meth Drinker while they were around, they were like a giant "fuck you" to the years of watering down all the atmospheric sludge bands had done to the style. just stripped back hatred, riffs and vocals straight from the gutter. I wish I never had to sell off all my LPs over the years, I miss my Meth Drinker collection especially.

One of the very few bands where their splits were just as essential as their full lengths. Seems like all the members have totally abandoned sludge metal and all just play in hardcore/grindcore/crust bands now, pretty fucking sad.

Anyways, those two bands you linked are completely new to me and while Over-Population is cool, this Draulicht song is kicking my ass man, great shit!