Mistress - II: The Chronovisor

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

II: The Chronovisor

Rage of Achilles 2003

By Nathan Pearce


Well, well, well . . . another Mistress album. If you didn’t like the first one . . . wait a minute (isn’t this the part where I say don’t buy this one?), you might actually be able to tolerate this one. And if you did like the first one, you’ll still like this one, but you’ll immediately notice a difference in the band.

First off, the production is clearer. In fact it’s almost too clear! However, after a few listens I decided this did not hurt the overall effect of death, decay, sickness and other dinner-table subjects that the band strives to subject the listener to for the duration of the album. Secondly, the band seems a little more capable with their song-writing skills. In fact, I’d almost go so far as to say the band is serious about Mistress. The first album had that feel of a side project. ‘The Chronovisor’ sounds like a band giving a crash course in grinding, sludge and doom.

Of course you could compare this band to the like of Electric Wizard, Iron Monkey, and Napalm Death, but that doesn’t excuse the bands total lack of respect for any band that has come before them. If a grinding riff needs to be placed next to a slightly groovy doomed-out passage . . . so be it! Mistress doesn’t play by anybodies rules.

I can’t stress enough how much this band has grown. I fully expect this band to achieve more recognition than even they anticipated. ‘The Chronovisor’ will soon be found in many a metalhead’s collection . . . and that’s a good thing. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Cunt!


