Mix Help


New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2012

I'm not entirely sure what this mix is lacking...it just doesn't seem to have any balls. It's fairly clear and I feel like a did a half-decent job, but it doesn't have that punch-you-in-the-face feel that I'm looking for.


Drums: All midi, I used Slate
Bass: A Warwick Corvette through POD Farm
Guitar: My PRS into LePou Legion and impulses from this forum.

But anyways, tips or suggestions would be awesome.

Compression would be a good idea for starters. As far as punch is concerned, simply turning the bass up isn't going to do that. Tight editing on everything paired with a well balanced low end will. And again proper compression. Without properly balancing all of your instruments and editing them appropriately, you haven't a single prayer of a achieving a tight anything. I can't even hear rhythm guitars and before you turn them up, it isn't a volume issue. They are being absolutely buried by the bass. All I hear is scratchy noises. Snare sounds out of place. I'd say use a different sample. Make some room for it around 180-220 depending on the sample for some thump and tread carefully on the highs. I find It's easy to make the snare sound puny while trying to achieve the "snap". Also consider the whole mix when looking at areas like that. If you have a dark mix then does it make any sense at all to have a super bright snare? Things like this just become a distraction.

Overall, the bass is too loud. The rhythm guitars are almost non existent except for some audible fizz. The snare sounds weak and out of place. The cymbals are washy and seem to lack sheen. I'd think about high passing more aggressively. Those are the bigger issues to me.

Hope this is of some help