Mix i'm in the middle of working on.

to be honest this band is extremely borrrriiinnnggg(no fault of your own, unless this is your own band, in which i would feel like an ass).

Only thing i could hear was the snare velocity could use some automation on the faster rolls(sounds mechanical). Maybe track some more vocals layers on screams if you have time. It could use something to make the song more interesting.
Very clean tracking though! Everyhing is clear. What did you do for guitars?
to be honest this band is extremely borrrriiinnnggg(no fault of your own, unless this is your own band, in which i would feel like an ass).

Only thing i could hear was the snare velocity could use some automation on the faster rolls(sounds mechanical). Maybe track some more vocals layers on screams if you have time. It could use something to make the song more interesting.
Very clean tracking though! Everyhing is clear. What did you do for guitars?

Not my band :D

I SWEAR I HATE DRUMS SOMETIMES! I did do a lot of velocity stuff all over but i hear what your saying on some of those snare fills. I kept the tom mics in 100% and just cut all the stuff that is not played out by hand.

Yea the singer blew his voice out on this song so they ended up tracking a lot of stuff back home. We did two songs in 2 days and the other one i got to produce and track everything and I think it is better song overall, but I decided to mix this one first for some reason.

Guitars are reamped through my 6505+ (new tubes!) and Mesa 4x12. With a ton of post eq going down. I can never seem to get the tone right with just the mic and i'm always going crazy with eq.

The bass is that Sx through Rpm! So Sick!
Sounds great! I love the thickness the guitars have. I'd have to agree on the snare automation though. And sometimes I lose the snare in the mix. Other than that, great job!
I love your mixes (epacially the new Within the Ruins album).
Everything sounds so clear and definded! Could you please give some informations on what samples you used for the drums? :)
This mix is awesome! but those Guitars are way to loud for me, The drums sound Drowned out completely.
Loving the tone though, Some details on it would be awesome! I have the same set up!
Snare sounds fine to me
Wish I could tell you what I think of this, but I'm on a laptop.. Sounds good on here! lol
This mix does sound really great. I also would love to know what you used on the cleans, they sound awesome !

Cla 1176 on each track doing 20/1, fast attack and fast release.

Then I bussed all the cleans to a Aux and did some eq, desser there and then some L2 on that. I did this because my computer was pretty maxed out cpu wise and I could not run eq and desser on each vocal track. There was like 20 vocal tracks over all and that turns into 60 plugins running.

Delay is just a 1/8th note i think maybe 1/4 (can't recall what i went with) and the reverb is just dverb plate or hall (pretty sure its a plate on this). I kind of just tweak things and see if i like them and then forget what i do a few days later :p.

The delay and reverb are both aux tracks as well.
Holy shit man , 20 vocal tracks? Are you talking about for just the cleans? I was actually curious as to whether each part of the cleans was recorded more than once in there. Obviously there is at least one harmony but it sounds like each part was recorded multiple times to thicken the vocal sound up.
Yea there is like 8 vocal tracks on the main chorus then like 4 more tracks of the other singing part in chorus that is a little gritty (no auto tune there either). Then there is like 4 more of the different clean singing at the end (were all just children). and then 8 more of the end singing part (face your fears part). So there was 24 clean singing tracks and maybe one or two more doing random stuff.

I do each different vocal part on a new track. Keeps things more simple for me.
I kind of just tweak things and see if i like them and then forget what i do a few days later :p.

This is the most IMPORTANT info Wickman has gave in this thread!

I only say that because I do the EXACT same thing. I can hardly remember what I'm using on a mix I just did a month ago, ahahaha.