New Style=Rape Core!

Sounds very nice, Joshua. Guitars are wonderful, but I'm curious about the drums.... was the snare a blend, replacement, or natural?

(I'm guessing one of the first two, but not making assumptions.)

Yea its all Slate samples. I only had a day to track this and the drummer did not have new skins. I did take the time and tune the drums so the overheads would sound good though.

Vocals were....

massey tape

then sent to a reverb buss and some verb blended in.

thanks a lot for replying! A lot of people around here seem to have a problem with anything some says but anyways, for the q10 where do you find yourself low/high passing and boosting frequencies, I usually just high pass 150hz and low pass around 5k, I really just need a good starting point, I understand every vocalist is different yada yada but I am a mess with my eq i think.

My room is awful, what would you suggest for tracking vocals, In the middle of the room, or some blankets.

Thanks man sorry for attacking you with my annoying questions.
Oh and thanks for the link man!
Mix sounds awesome