Mix in progress: comments welcome

I really like the guitar sound you've got there, the drums aren't really my bag of chips though. The cymbals almost sound like they were muted with tape or something, except for the ride and hats. Most of that is just personal preference though.

The vocals don't seem to be sitting quite right yet. It's as if everything but the vocals have gotten some processing (which I guess might be the case) or you're just going for that straight from the preamp vocal sound. Overall the mix sounds pretty darn kickin though, I'd be interested to hear the final version.
gump - It sounds to me that the "taped cymbals" effect might be that the drummer has the hardware tightened a little too much. That has happened in the past with a few drummers, I just have them loosen the nuts a little bit to make the cymbals a little looser and it lets them ring out a little more :)

Oz - Indeed a nice guitar tone there. The kick drum gets annoying though, seems like a little too much mids possibly. I have to agree with gump on the vox, they could stand some more verb or something, or just lower the volume a tad...but that's just me and mosts of this is personal taste. The kick drum just seems as though it's more in front than everything else except the vocals. Other than that great sound :)

Keith, I think I just realized what your avatar is: SuperTroopers. :D

nice guitar sound. Try improve sound of kick and snare. Snare needs more body (punch). There is something wrong with kick but I can explain that. Try diffrent kick sound.
Overall seems ok :)
A good start to my ears. Kick is stamping on the low end of the guitars a bit and the bass is providing more of a "presence" than actually heard (e.g. Justice era Jason Newstead). Some like this, but us bass players don't :)

The overall mix seems a little squashed sonically, with kick/bass/guitars fighting each other in the low end/low-mids and guitars/cymbals in the top end. It also feels like it's missing something in the 110-160 range. Maybe a mild bass boost in that area is worth a try, but do so while listening to the kick at the same time. Something is a bit boomy in the sub60 range too. Vox didn't do much for me, but that's the performance rather than the mix.

Note: I quite like the guitar tone and overall it's nicely tracked.
Thanks for the comments, guys!

I pulled the snare back a touch on this one... no big deal to put it back in.

As for the kicks, I'll have another look. Could be the limiter stepping on it too hard.

Ok, here's a revised clip.

Thanks for pointing out the kick, guys. There's a two sample thing going on & they weren't quite syncing up. That's been rectified & sounds a whole lot more solid. That, & I'm using a different "mastering" limiter, as the last one really didn't like the low end very much & was really hurting the kicks.

The snare has been brought up a touch & the vocals have a bit of echo on them now as opposed to the short reverb I was using. They seem to slide into the mix a bit better now.
Overall, I really appreciate everyone's input. A second set of ears is always a good thing.

Here's the revised clip:
I Bleed revised
Kicks sound a lot better, less... cardboardy. Still sounds kinda like how Flo Mounier cuts the lower end of his kick sound out to make it stand out, and that just doesn't suit this song as much in my opinion; I'm not an expert on getting bigger kick sounds, but it seems like they're still a wee bit middy.

Definitely like the guitar tone, will say that much.

Yes. That's right. Kick is better now. But it isn't ok. Try to play with totaly diffrent sample (diffren sound). Some times I use C4 for kick. But range values are in +. Treshold set to -60 dB. Good start point is preset Hard Basic. I can post my usual setting. But only tommorow. I have t at home :-(
KeithRT99 said:
that guitar tone is friggin sweet.

Yeah, we were all quite pleased with the guitar sound... I had originally set up my 5150 for tracking guitars & the band asked me, "Got anything deeper?" and I'm like, "Hell yeah!"
So, I hooked up my recently re-tubed Dual Recto & that's what we got. Hell, I was shocked... I've had that amp since 2000 & it's never sounded that good.

Time invested in this forum is definitley paying off! :)
