Thanks, I composed that :kickass::kickass:

I do some composing as well so I know how much time and effort is put into something like that. Details on your DAW and what VST's you used? Were all the notes clicks in or do you have keys?

Okay, another one, this one mastered hotter and with more bass ;)
I like this more so far...


No offense to Holy but that sounds much better then the original.
hey dude how are you getting that bass so tight and punchy ? how are getting it to register in lowend so well....its making my sub kick in a good way of course....nice mix by the way

I guess a lot of it comes from the master bus compressor.
It's a G-comp with 10ms and automatic release, about 3db reduction.

I'm not sure if these settings are the best for this song, I'm getting nice punch with 30ms and faster release as well, especially on the groove part at the end, gonna remix it when vocals come in ;-)

I didn't have to do alot on the Bass DI track, was a good recording from the start, just some minor EQ and compression on the lows and some LP-filtering, nothing special. I didn't even sidechain the kick to the bass, just used Andys kick sample and focused the bass on nearby frequencies surrounding the kick, works pretty well imho.
Are theese files record in Cubase!?
Cause I cant get them into Pro Tools cause the files are 32 bit!!.
You need to convert them during export to 24/44.1 for everyone to have a change to mix!!