Mix using real drums


Feb 13, 2011
Hey everyone, today I recorded a little clip of a breakdown. I used real drums though. I am not a fan of copying people, but I want to know how to fix the kick. It seems like it is kind of flattened. The Overhead bleed seems to causing it to be weird. Any suggestions as to get rid of more of the bleed in the OH's. I have read some threads as to how, but couldn't find that many. Maybe someone can help


Hey everyone, today I recorded a little clip of a breakdown. I used real drums though. I am not a fan of copying people, but I want to know how to fix the kick. It seems like it is kind of flattened. The Overhead bleed seems to causing it to be weird. Any suggestions as to get rid of more of the bleed in the OH's. I have read some threads as to how, but couldn't find that many. Maybe someone can help



its sound very very very close to AWESOME IMO. I do agree about the kick and i think the snare could be a little more "cracky" sounding but that is just my taste. What did you use to track drums? Like mic placement and whatnot [if you dont mind me asking]. The drums sound great, and I am becoming a fan of the room bleed in the shell drums. idk why but to me it sound more realistic and now-a-days it's kinda hard to tell what is real drums and what is not.
i agree. VERY close to awesome. the snare is a bit muffled. in general, I just thing the drums need a tad more clarity. make them pop in the mix just a bit more. more snare crack. the kick is pretty sweet already. just needs a little more definition.
lovin' direction you're going in. reminds me of As I lay Dying a little.
Honestly, the general way I guess. I have all SM57's except for the topsnare I used my condenser Mic. I thought it would get more wack which it did but I kinda took too much, hence the muffled sound. One of the OH mics got more bleed than the other so I had to do more EQing. It wasn't to much of a biggy because it was mostly just the china I was using anyway.