Final Mix

I think it sounds really cool!
And great guitar play =)

This is a mix I started yesterday.
Check it out:
Hope you like it!

My problem is the kickdrum....I just like it when the kick is an exaggerated monstrosity :D

Sounding rad man, snare is too loud though
Definitely some pumping on the Master going on.
Great riffage ;p
Thx man! I'm so happy you like it! =)

Yeah, I really think the snare is way tooooooooooooooo loud...
I'll also push the guitars a lil bit!

Thx guys!
So now that 've quiet down the kick a lil bit
the snare is tooooooo loud.
I'll change taht the next few days.
I also have to push the guitars a lil bit, maybe eqing a bit... I don't know..

anyways, this is my latest version of it.
Hope you like it =)