Mixdown in Cubase SX??


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! Well I got everything working and recorded a song today with my band, but whenever I go to mixdown the file is only half completed, stutters during playback and well, just won't mixdown!
Any advice would be appreciated.

PS: A file is created but the file itself is only incomplete, I have no clue on what to do!

PSS: One more thing *SORRY GUYS*
How can I bounce some audio from different tracks to one track?
Thanks :)
I guess you set the locators right?

I had this problem that at a point the song mixdown was only silence. It was because of directx plugins, like Autotune if I remember right.
Using a normalizer infront of the plugin sometimes helped http://www.digitalfishphones.com/main.php?item=2&subItem=6
Because it occured only at places where audio was and it should begin to bounce the plugin in.

If you want to bouce different tracks into one, you can "solo" them ;)