Mixed my first full-length (Mastered by Jens Bogren)


Space Cowboy
Mar 7, 2010
Borlänge, Sweden
Hi guys!

Haven't posted much here lately, but I've learned so much by sharing my mixes on this forum, and getting hacked to bits by the community, haha. I've since been working tirelessly at perfecting this weird and wonderful craft of making punchy metal recordings, and now, years later, I consider myself to be at a point where I could actually start pursuing this career more seriously.

This is a preview of my own band's debut album, which I produced, recorded and mixed. Apart from a few drum playing/editing mistakes I let slip through the grid, and the level of cymbals and vocals at times, I must say I'm fairly pleased with it. I didn't quite have to confidence to master it, so I let Jens at Fascination Street Studios do it, and I think he did a wonderful job.

Please do not share this (as we're still looking for a label to release it):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/psi8xchvz0oe2j1/LFTC VIGNETTE PREVIEW.mp3?dl=0

Some info: This was my first real project in Pro Tools (and I'm loving it), mixed mostly in the box using all legit plugins from UAD (legacy stuff mostly), Waves (got the Gold & Vocal bundle) and Steven Slate (the Everything-bundle and Trigger 2). Some outboard was used in the form of an 1176-compressor (vocals and bass on the way in, snare on mixdown), a Pultec-clone from Warm Audio (on the main vocal aux) and an SSL bus compressor clone on the mix bus. Guitars where Kemper mostly, but we reamped the rhythm guitars through a Rectifier and an Orange PPC212 as well (single SM57 through a BAE 1073) and blended that with the Kemper. Only pedals where used for the clean and lead guitar ambience/effects (some ITB-reverb on the really washy guitars), POG2, CE-2 and the Strymon Timeline + Big Sky combo in stereo, together with the Kemper. Drums where a Tama Starclassic Maple kit with mostly Sabian AAX/HHX and a lot of mics on it, kick is 100% replaced (with 5 different kicks blended together) but snare and toms are about 40-50% original. Bass is a Dingwall Combustion, tracked DI and through an old Sansamp rack unit with some compression on it (1176 on the way in). It later got reamped through a Darkglass B7K for some more midrange.

Let me know if you're wondering about anything, maybe be I can give someone a tip or two. Or even better; you're way better than me at this stuff and you give me some key feedback that makes my next project turn out even better! All feedback is welcome.

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Reactions: Nikolas Quemtri
I opened the audio preview first, then read your post. On reading "Tama starclassic maple" I thought yup, definitely recognize that kickdrum. Sounds just like my drummer´s kit. Only that I got this kick sound from the real kickdrum. But at that point I was just 20 seconds in. Then I realized it does sound like e-drums, because the hits are perfectly constant throughout the demo. That made me sad :( :D

Mix sounds good! Personally, I would go for a more human feel,but that´s just me

Outstanding production! Sounds like Bogren mastered Meshuggah :)
I really like it!

Thanks for the kind words!

I opened the audio preview first, then read your post. On reading "Tama starclassic maple" I thought yup, definitely recognize that kickdrum. Sounds just like my drummer´s kit. Only that I got this kick sound from the real kickdrum. But at that point I was just 20 seconds in. Then I realized it does sound like e-drums, because the hits are perfectly constant throughout the demo. That made me sad :( :D

Mix sounds good! Personally, I would go for a more human feel,but that´s just me


Haha, great! Means I matched the kick to the toms pretty well. We actually used a triggered mesh head on the kick (saves sooo much time when editing) which didn't leave us which much dynamics to begin with. I did try to do as much as I could with automation though. I'm a huge fan of natural drum tones. I really like In Flames' Soundtrack to your Escape from 2004, the kick on there really sets the tone for the album being so dynamic. But for our music I think it's vital that the kick is there to support all the intricate polyrhythms and such, more in the Colin Richardson end of the spectrum. A little machine gun-esque, but it get's the job done :)
Hi, the material is great and the mixing is OK too. :thumbsup:
MIDI sax should be humanized more though. This is the only crucial spot here.
The kick seems too loud somewhere in the mix, just for my taste.