Mixing a "Posthardcore?" band

The guitars were recorded recorded out of a line6valve amp. Direct from the XLR out on it. Bass was recorded direct through a Sansamp VT
I'd recommend using one of the free amp sim VST's and some cab IR's. The guitars sound really distant and sound like they were poorly miced. And it sounds like they are panned in the center. Can't really tell. Vocals are way too loud too. drums sound distant as well. Just my opinion though. Song has good potential though.
The guitars are weak for sure. Very slooshy/washy. Would say muddy but they are so treble filled its hard to call it mud haha. Drums, ummm DEFINATELY fix the velocities. Very obvious that its fake. It can take time, but very worth it. And yes, vocals are too loud. And guitars and drums sound very roomy, not a tight sound.
I think that this would still be fine if it was dual tracked. Guitar tone is a little weak but dual tracked with a bit of tweaking would make it a good mix. Oh and the screams might do with less reverb/delay.
if you record DIs and send me the midi file along with the vocals i will gladly work on a mix for you