mixing and prices..


Mar 18, 2010
Hi everyone,

Im currently gonna start working on recording my bands EP. and i was looking around here and a lot of you guiz are pretty talented i have to say!

(sptz i liked your work man!). of course im talking from the few threads i stumbled upon with the search (didnt even have the time to go thru the rate my mix section.. cause theres just so much on this forum to read..
And i bet a LOT of you guys are reallygood but i havent heard your work yet.

So anyway to get to the point we still need TIME to be ready, but money is always an issue so we need to budget from now.

I was wondering if some of you interested could pm me prices? perhaps one for an EP of around 25 min and for a whole album.

But we will probably mix the EP first. Also is it ok with you to work on a song by song basis in other words we could send the song to be mixed while were working on another.

I know what im asking of you is a bit annoying as it is too soon but i would greatly appreciate it if i could have that to determine what kind of money we need to have by the time were ready.

Anyone interested?

Any info you need to have?

Thanks a lot!

Could some of yall PM me your mixing rates as well?

Sorry for hijackin OP :)

Why PM? the rates are the first thing everyone wants to know.Why hiding it?
I am interested in mixing rates,
PM me? :)
Why PM? the rates are the first thing everyone wants to know.Why hiding it?
I am interested in mixing rates,
PM me? :)

I look at it more as a matter of professionalism,plus keeps the playing field partially leveled. Person X publicly writes that he charges $100 for a song. Person Y sees that and comes in saying he'll do it for $85...Beating out person X right off the bat without any other factors. Keeping it private helps keep things under control.
Not the same avatar at all.Mine is evil bender :)

I'd like to get PM'd with rates as well,especially from UK based guys.
Well I just found out that some people are charging stupidly cheap prices here. So im hoping that the price I just found out I am competing with is not the average.......I can only hope, because if it is.......ill never get work from this forum.:heh:

If you compete with others solely on the basis of price you'll never get work unless you consistently operate at a loss.

There is no way to keep playing the undercutting game. I don't even bother. It helps by weeding out clients I wouldn't want to work with as well.
Money is always an issue for bands especially when youre commited to it and in return dont get much work and thus money. But still i bet that bands will be interested in your guys work and within reason i think the quality of it will decide who they choose. Cause music is a passion and when youre a talented engineer why would anyone go for the cheapest price? So yes money does matter but your work more so
One more thing that matters to me - and i will probably be flamed - is NOT someone who is in love with my music haha not at all but at least someone who can bear it and bear the style. Cause if the mixing is bearable i still beleive that the engineer will do a much better job. (i know that if the song sucks no matter what you do it sucks so im hoping i dont get that comment because that's not exactly what i mean)

Anyway you already know that! i will answer the pms you guys just sent me. Thanks a lot!!!