Mixing Console


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
hey guys,

I just recently got myself a pair of studio monitors. I'm hoping to slowly build up a semi-professional mixing rig here at home and my next logical step is a mixer.

Now the thing is that I do most of my mixing 'virtually' inside Cubase and I see having a mixer for traditional purposes as almost superfluous.

I got turned onto digital mixers by a lecturer of mine who has one with motorized faders that actually control your mix in the 'virtual' environment. Now I'm thinking that this sort of thing is the only thing I'd actually need. I don't actually plan on recording a drumkit at my house any time soon or anything, so a 16+-track analogue mixer seems a bit needless.

Do you guys have any thoughts, or suggestions you care to share? I personally think this digital/motorized fader system that interfaces with the DAW on the PC seems pretty cool.
It sounds like you're looking for a controller, not a mixer. Mixer's have audio running through them, which you don't need to do, while controllers just are physical, motorized versions of the faders you see in your DAW. As far as recommendations go, I'd say to look into the Mackie Control Universal(and expanders), the Tascam 2400, and the Mixed Logic M24.
The Mackie Control is awesome. I was borrowing one for a while and I miss it sometimes... although I am more of a "draw the line with the mouse" type of guy when it comes to mixes.
so to straighten something out, is a controller like a normal mixer but instead of using your mouse to move the faders around on screen you just use the controller and the faders on screen will go up and down?
Hang on, your after something that you can use as a control surface for your sequencer and has the ability to mix audio. how about adding preamps, built in effects and lightpipe in and out... I dont know how much you can afford but you might wanna look at something like a spirit 328. I used one a bit a few years ago and from what i remember its pretty similar to some of the control surfaces around at the minute except I actually used it for front of house sound. Or maybe check out some of the yamaha digital mixers, you could pick up a pro mix 01 for peanuts these days....
Not really, well not anymore. We're on 80 cents, so it's not too bad. So at this point I don't care... 2-3k either USD or AUD - as long as there is a local retailer that sells for that price, or an international one that will ship for that price!