Mixing death vocals tip...


i am my own apocalypse
Jan 2, 2006
I wonder if anyone can give me a good tip for mixing the grunt vocals. It's very slow songs and deep grunts. The thing is that i can´t make the vox large enough. It is dubbed on some parts but I don´t want to do thta for an whole album. Any ideas?
You could put a delay on it with a time of < 10 ms or so, and that might fatten it up. Just make sure you don't have it set to anymore than one repeat. You might slap some good compression on there, too.

just for kicks, you could pitch shift down a bit, just for a gas, though. doubt it'd sound too great.

:flame: :flame: :flame: i'm a nerd, and these things give me a giggle.
Just because the vocals are low, don't ignore the high-end - try boosting around 10-12KHz. On singing it's where breath noises and sibilance ('S' sounds) are, but I find if you add a touch to grunting type vocals you can make them cut a bit better, and bring out gargling-type noises.

I generally use delay almost as a doubler, and then a tiny bit of reverb just to make it bleed together a bit. It can help make them feel a bit bigger if you use a stereo delay with slightly different delay times on each side - but you have to be careful not to overdo it.

You can experiment with pitchshift down, like three half-steps or so, but mixed kinda quiet (25-30%), just so it's there but not "fake" sounding (unless you like fake).

And ditto on the EQ posts above.

Why not double track them and edit for tightness as necessary? Are you not obsessive enough or something?
kind of related... been recording the band Rise from Southern California at the studio this week and just finished tracking the vocalist on a couple of the songs.... he has a few different voices he uses and i needed 3 different mics, and 3 different pres to get cover it all... set everything up at once and here's a screen shot of the iChat Bonjour video conferencing i set up wo we could see eacht other.


R&#248;de K2 into 9098 for high screams, Blue Bottle into Brent Averill for the main death voice, and Nuemann U87 into Manley for spoken parts.

my vocal booth is just out of sight, so i set up my PowerBook with the Apple iSight cam in the booth with the singer and connected a firewire cable to my Canon GL2 and aimed it at myself from the machine room door where the 2" (not used on this session) resides, so we could see each other.
Quite interesting.

Whose idea was it to use three mics and pres?

-Vocalist: Hey I have three different voices...

-James: Why, then you shall have 3 different mics and 3 pres!


-Vocalist: Hey I have three different voices... I will require 3 different mics and 3 pres.

-James: Fair enough.
Nitronium Blood said:
Quite interesting.

Whose idea was it to use three mics and pres?

-Vocalist: Hey I have three different voices...

-James: Why, then you shall have 3 different mics and 3 pres!


-Vocalist: Hey I have three different voices... I will require 3 different mics and 3 pres.

-James: Fair enough.

Here it'd be

-Vocalist: Hey I have three different voices... I will require 3 different mics and 3 pres.

-dreamcatcher: Fuck off

Course, I'm not at all professional. :erk:
mostly a matter of convenience.... so we can do all the vox in one song without ever having to change settings on the primary mic... he simply has to move to the left or right as i arm the mic/track. the volume of each voice is quite different.
well while recording death grind vocals i always separate them, i mean one track for the cookie monster ones and other for the high pitched screams ( blackie screams) in that way you have more control and aslo use different mics
James Murphy said:
and Nuemann U87 into Manley for spoken parts.

Hey James, quite the array you've got going there. One mic I found that sounds wonderful on the low spoken parts is the humble Nady/Tbone ribbon. "Massively Thick" is the phrase that comes to mind. I tried one out a while back in just that sort of situation, vocalist in the booth, and the rest of the band commented "Holy shit! That's OUR singer?"

I'm sure the U87 sounds amazing, just adding food for thought.
