Allright, before I open pandora's box of engineering do's and don'ts when it comes to the most tedious task of mixing metal guitars know that I am going for a specific type of sound that many of you will have very diverse opinions on. I am trying to acheive that massive, low, punchy tone present in the late Micheal Keene productions with bands like Veil of Maya and The Faceless. The problem i'm having now is having my guitars stand out in the mix. I have a very nice large, punchy kick complimented by a distinct smack to cut through, however my guitars are getting buried in the mud. I guess its hard to "hear" what i'm talking about without actually hearing it... maybe someone could also tell me what a good audio file sharing site is so I could post a sample and you'll hear what i'm working with first hand. If there's already a thread on this topic I apologize for stirring up another discussion on such a "touchy" subject to many. Thanks for your time guys!