Mixing Time? [Technical death metal/core]

Vocals, GTR+BASS DI, .wav synths, and drum midi included!

It's in my signature at this point in time, but it's a song called Planetary Devastation by my band Øscillatör.

Here is your reference mix. I suck at mastering, FYI

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9992828/Random Shit/Planetary Devastation MIX PACK.zip

For the record, DI quality sucks, the bass strings are old, and vocals are recorded in a completely untreated room with an sm58.

I feel like it's a turd and have worked pretty hard to polish it to the best of my skills.
I'd be flattered to see how other people would work it, if they had their way!
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blue_fAng - You should automate those drums down a few dB. ;)

reminds me a lot of The Faceless.

If I had some sort of drum VST i'd give this a shot....
yeah that snare is loud as hell and i know, i could lower the volume in blast beats but i like that in your face sound for this song. thanks ;). also reminds me of faceless and a bit of beneath the massacre but still sounds original
Here goes my mixxx. Thanks for the files!
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Tried mixing it, but couldn't touch the guitars in the original. What was the chain for those? Fucking awesome music by the way. It's like a better, crazier version of Job for a Cowboy. Dig!

Thanks, brotha!

The guitar chain was large. lol
It's a preset I made called "Tha BEEFZ"

Chain is:

1) TSS
Drive - 5
Tone - 10
Level - 5

2) POD Farm 2 - Treadplate amp
Drive - 50
Bass - 40
Middle - 55
Treble - 65
Presence - 45
Volume - 100

3) LeCab
"Mesa 4x12 - SM57 Pres 8" impulse

4) EQ
- cut a little from 600 and 4.5k
- boost 10k

5) Renaissance Axx
Thresh - (-12)
Attack - 5
Gain - (-2)

6) PSP Vintage Warmer 2
Drive - 4
Knee - 10
Speed - 50
Everything else is 0

And that's it!
Brutal tune!!! We'll give it a whirl. Our studio often does free work when we really dig the music. Gave the raw tracks a quick listen; would be a week or so before we could get it in. Might be cool to hear how it mixes down in analog... most likely on Neotek Series 1. But it kind of depends on what we find after really digging in. *Horns*