MMA Fight


Mar 1, 2007
Southern Vinland
I just fought in an MMA fight in Jackson Alabama. I came out to "In Pursuit of Vikings". I won the fight in a 1:39 of the first round. When I get a copy of the fight I will post it.
I just fought in an MMA fight in Jackson Alabama. I came out to "In Pursuit of Vikings". I won the fight in a 1:39 of the first round. When I get a copy of the fight I will post it.

So what's your strengths? Ju-jitsu, wrestling, boxing, kick boxing, G-n-P, etc.

I'm a huge MMA fan. Never miss the UFC and I download Pride's fights.
An MMA entrance to Amon Amarth?? AWESOME!

I would have gone crazy cheering for you from the stands. :rock:

Ever post at MMA.TV?
I put it together well. I can grapple and have good stand up. This opponent was bigger than me. I took the fight on 3 wks notice. One of my teammates got into a street fight and hurt his hand. I won in the first round by tko. I am Heathen and the night before the fight I made an offering to Odin for Victory and Ullr for Single Combat. I trained hard for it but it helps to have the Gods on your side. Hail Amon Amarth for making the only song that says it all for me.
That's funny. But seriously I have nothing but respect for Sumo Wrestlers. They may be fat but they are still in great health. Just take a look at the muscles in their legs. DAMN!!!
thats cool.
post vid of fight please :)

i'm thinking of starting Sambo next year. Its Fedor Emilianenko's sport so its gotta be badass ^^