mmmm... nice pics...

I really thought that grass picture was fake when I first saw it. It really just isn't Opeth. well maybe if the Martins weren't laying on the grass like that it wouldn't be so gay. Mikael looks ok in that one, but Peter looks like he is a kindergartener sitting there cross-legged like that
Rensei said:

That's more like it :headbang:
You have to think though, taht pic was in Sweden. The new pictures were taken in or around Orlando, Florida. When could they have found a nice, naturesque type setting in Orlando? I've been to Orlando, not the right kind of forests there.
Rensei said:

That's one of my fave pics. Here is another variation of that....


And I find these to be pretty cool as well...



Although, I totally agree with NineFeetUnderground. I think we should take into consideration other possible factors here and not necessarily assume (like a few people did) that they are selling out and/or this will represent the direction of their music. I just like to look at the positive side of things... especially since we haven't even heard the album yet!!

And afterall, this is just one photo shoot.... I'm sure there will be more.
Mirrored Ghost said:
I think we should take into consideration other possible factors here and not necessarily assume (like a few people did) that they are selling out and/or this will represent the direction of their music.
But worries that this does in fact represent the direction of the band are not far off base. I can't help but think that Opeth is believing everything that RR tells them about how they should be. This whole scene is probably new to the band and maybe they will go with it without knowing that its a bad direction for some of their current fans.

That said, there's still more of a chance that Opeth isn't going to go in that direction, but even a small chance of it happening is too big for me.

heres one from bwp that i have on the back of that shirt


more blackwater park era


more blackwater era




and heres the one inside the bwp booklet


heres the still life promo

they do look very different in style...
One Winged Angel said:
But worries that this does in fact represent the direction of the band are not far off base. I can't help but think that Opeth is believing everything that RR tells them about how they should be. This whole scene is probably new to the band and maybe they will go with it without knowing that its a bad direction for some of their current fans.

That said, there's still more of a chance that Opeth isn't going to go in that direction, but even a small chance of it happening is too big for me.

Angel, these are pictures.... not the album, and that's all I'm trying to point out here. Let's not get all excited without hearing the album first.

This is being blown way out of proportion, IMO. Some people are assuming way too much and that's really not too healthy for the band or the fans here.

Mikael himself stated that nobody would interfere with their music and I think we should have faith in that.... not rip them apart because of one photo shoot.
You know, as far as settings, these might be a bit different from past photos, but you have to remember these guys have been going nonstop since the album was in the can and maybe they didn't have the luxury of going to the woods or something (if that's what they wanted to do). I've been around many bands where the photographer meets up with a band on tour and they take them to some areas around (or a room set aside in) the club to do the promos shots before the show or whatever. This might have been the case here. On the other hand, maybe this is what they were feeling at the moment and WANTED to do, and went that way, with the clothes on their backs, like they've usually done. A polished photo with no trees does not indicate a "sellout" or a change. Opeth always does what they want, and that's why we like them. In any case, they are promo photos meant to showcase the guys in the band, and I think they look pretty cool.
Seems like Trav said:
You know, as far as settings, these might be a bit different from past photos, but you have to remember these guys have been going nonstop since the album was in the can and maybe they didn't have the luxury of going to the woods or something (if that's what they wanted to do). I've been around many bands where the photographer meets up with a band on tour and they take them to some areas around (or a room set aside in) the club to do the promos shots before the show or whatever. This might have been the case here. On the other hand, maybe this is what they were feeling at the moment and WANTED to do, and went that way, with the clothes on their backs, like they've usually done. A polished photo with no trees does not indicate a "sellout" or a change. Opeth always does what they want, and that's why we like them. In any case, they are promo photos meant to showcase the guys in the band, and I think they look pretty cool.

Mirrored Ghost said:
Angel, these are pictures.... not the album, and that's all I'm trying to point out here. Let's not get all excited without hearing the album first.

This is being blown way out of proportion, IMO. Some people are assuming way to much and that's really not too healthy for the band or the fans here.

Mikael himself stated that nobody would interfere with their music and I think we should have faith in that. Not rip them apart because of one photo shoot.
Not even considering their album, part of who Opeth are is their image, and even if nobody touches their music, these pictures still disgust me.

Is it so far fetched that Opeth has a completely different perception on what the American metal mainstream is, having been raised in different countries? I'm just afraid they don't know that they look like retards in those photos, and that this mindset might carry over into other things.

But you're right, I am pretty much jumping all over this issue because of a few photos. Surely you see why these worries might be warranted though, faith in Mikael or not.
One Winged Angel said:
I am pretty much jumping all over this issue because of a few photos

Sorry, but that's the only thing you said here that I might have to agree with because the pictures are not all that bad (especially if you consider other possibilities that were mentioned in this thread on why they might have been done that way).

Being raised in a different country has nothing to do with anything. They are in the music business and have traveled all over the place and I'm sure they are not ignorant when it comes to how they might look in the industry.

I now must agree to disagree. Not much else I can say here.