mmmm... nice pics...

I'm sure i echo alot of the other's sentiments here when I express the hope that they're just playing around with those pics instead of seriously considering an image angle i.e. selling out.
The_Isle said:
I'm sure i echo alot of the other's sentiments here when I express the hope that they're just playing around with those pics instead of seriously considering an image angle i.e. selling out.
just playing around? i'm quite certain those pics are real..although i'm sure RR told them exactly how to pose and what undies to wear :lol:
looking back at the group pictures from the last few albums it appears that ANY one of those beat these new crappy gay-looking pics.

edit: now that i think about it, i'm of the opinion that none of them are photogenic. There should just be no photos at all. period.

2nd edit: after more thought, I think it's because NONE of them SMILE in any of those pictures, thus making them look gay. I would just like more casual photos. Leave the angsty looks for onstage performance.
The_Isle said:
looking back at the group pictures from the last few albums it appears that ANY one of those beat these new crappy gay-looking pics.

edit: now that i think about it, i'm of the opinion that none of them are photogenic. There should just be no photos at all. period.
Seriously, the older pics are sooo much classier than these new photos. Opeth in front of a concrete wall, WTF?? :erk:
deliverance said:
sorry that i keep replying and fucking w/you tonight, but well..i see the need to lol. anyway, lopez - pale? he's the least pale dude in opeth.


All the flush is... flushed out of him if you know what I mean.
They kinda look uncomfortable, where's Peter smoking in the forest? The dog?!
Kinda like some of In Flames photos, yet they aren't really "that" bad...
Hmm. I think this is a bit daunting to say the least. I don't like the new image they try to portray - it pretty much contradicts everything Opeth has been up to this point. There should have at least been an attempt to stay with the nature theme, even minimally. I mean, that was one of the aesthetics that defined Opeth as who they are, and it did a good job representing their music to boot.

I don't know. I just can't identify the Opeth I know in my mind to those pictures. It's a bit disappointing. I don't think it was a wise move to market Opeth as a 'nu' band, visually. I just hope RR don't have any delusions of 'reinventing' the band with a fresh look and sound.

Still looking forward to the album though.
Eh. The grass one is fine. "Here we are getting our family portrait taken at the department store" and "hey we're just hanging out at this wall" are ok too. They're at least normal looking.

The "tough metal band" ones are retarded and the guys look like they hate it. But oh well, they're hilarious. I hope every music magazine uses those, so then all the kids into Killswitch Engage and Every Time I Die will check them out and listen to something that doesn't suck for once.
Reaper of Souls said:
Shit was that a soilwork pic? I beleive it is, an was it one of the promo pics for figure number five!?

I thought it was for Natural Born Chaos...oh well.

These pics are nothing short of entertainment...because I know it isn't the real Opeth and it's just Roadrunner wearing them. I actually think some of them are kinda cool...I think "Ghost Reveries" is gonna be an album where it dosen't exactly remind you of the woods, or the forests...or something like that where it seems as if they reside there with those passionate looks on their faces. It'll remind you of a man with an ax, chasing the light of this life through the house. Heeeeerrreeee's Mikael!
Moonlapse said:
Hmm. I think this is a bit daunting to say the least. I don't like the new image they try to portray - it pretty much contradicts everything Opeth has been up to this point. There should have at least been an attempt to stay with the nature theme, even minimally. I mean, that was one of the aesthetics that defined Opeth as who they are, and it did a good job representing their music to boot.

completely agree with you. they never smiled in the old photos, but now they are clearly told to look angry because it's cool...
every old photo looked sincere. these shots are so fucking ridicule and forced I'm laughing... well I'd be laughing if I weren't crying.
anyway, I don't like to bitch and moan over their signing with RR, Mikeal himself told they chose it for the opportunity to reach a wider audience, but are these shitty means really needed? they have built their career on the strength of music alone, not image.
let's hope GR will live up to their legacy