Modded Marshall JMP - 'Sylosis mod'


May 16, 2005
Reading, Berkshire
Made a video of my Dan Gower modded Marshall 1977 JMP.
I kind of told Dan what tones I was after (wanted to be able to switch between a tight sound and a looser, more 'stoner' sound depending on the guitar I'm using).
Nolly's just got one of these with pretty much the same mod but his has a 'feel' control so he can add in the sponginess. Mine's essentially maximum sponge feel. Ideal for leads
Nice. The 1959 is cool but I'm gassing hard for the MKII. Strange to hear it produce such a "tight modern sound".
awesome. i have a 1977 jmp 2203 modded with extra gain stage, depth etc. that sounds pretty similar. yours has some really cool features that i wish mine had though. def my favorite out of the collection. something about the squishy mids and low end breakup that keeps me coming back to the marshall every time.
Yeah, kudos for doing the video, Dan deserves a lot of attention for what he's doing and if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been turned on to his stuff. My 1959 is truly amazing, and as you say is essentially the same amp + the "feel" control.
sounds awesome. really badass.

my evil must be strong today. i got view '666'. :headbang:
