modern melodic deathmetal


New Metal Member
Jul 10, 2008
bands like cipher system, mors principium est, dark tranquillity and other melodeath bands with electronic elements have all ways been my fav. are there any other band suggestions you guys might have.
Insomnium, Noumena, Kalmah, Swallow the Sun (though that's rather a mix between Melodic Death Metal and Melodic Doom/Death)
You might like Scar Symmetry and (later) Callenish Circle.

Scar Symmetry is kind of hard to describe because they're a mix of melodic death, black, industrial, prog, power, and any other style of metal thrown in a blender. But it works and is really cohesive. IMO their best (and coicidentally, their most accessible) album is "Pitch Black Progress". Their other 2 albums are very good as well but lose some of the heaviness.

Callenish Circle put out an album called "Pitch.Black.Effect" that sounds pretty similar to DT's character. Real thrashy with bleeps and bloops scattered throughout. Although it lacks the atmosphere.
^only if its 11 dreams, I wouldnt say Hours that Remain is very melodeathy(but very good) and their latest was definitely not worth the wait

edit- havent heard pre11 dreams material tho