"Modern rock", your feedback wanted!


Jun 29, 2007
sounds good, like those drums, what are they? real drums? and guitars?

Vocals get a bit lost and too thin inthe chorus imo
Agreed with the fact that vox are thin a bit. Also they may be less nasal at some moments (EQ-ing).
Verse guitars should be closer to the listener: now they are too far on my taste.

Drum sound is great as already been said. :headbang:
Thanks! :)

Yes, the drums are played. The kick is a blend of the real one, slates nr 10 for top and attack/punch , and a paramore sample just for the lowend. Snare is the drummers, slate no 10, 11, ambience from nr 4 and a little bit of a
popsnare sample that reminds quite a lot of whitenoise :) Toms are combination of the mic'ed and some slate samples.. other than that, some parallell compression, eq, comp and transient shaping.

Clean/crunch gits: The ampsim from CLA guitar, eq, comp, reverb (I thought this one through, and i feel that it's quite nice to have some reverb because of the lack of other elements to fill up the mix, to much?)..
Heavygits: Revalver + guitarhack impulse, eq, comp, and a liiiittle bit of chorus.

But thanks for the feedback! Do you feel that the vocals needs to be up in volume or needs some sidechaining action? :)
The vocalist sounds like a female Brian Williams. Freakin sweet! I love the song, and the mix is pretty damn great, too. I actually like the thinner vocals a bit... But the fuller mix may be a bit less fatiguing.