Well if for some sick reason i REALLY wanted 500000 views on youtube and i couldn't come up with some proper SFX...


There probably isnt any sound effects in this video.. because his knuckles get skinned after beating the wall.
Not that i havent done it like a 100 times before out of shear anger, but i think you have to be a fucking retard to do it "just for teh lulz".. i wouldn't be surprised of this kid has some kind of disorder.
haha, not to be a twat.. or anything. but, everytime i watch this video i always picture it as the way "Gareth" reacted when he got banned from here, hahaha

sry d000d
haha, not to be a twat.. or anything. but, everytime i watch this video i always picture it as the way "Gareth" reacted when he got banned from here, hahaha

sry d000d

His reaction?
You mean how he basically said "i dont care if i got banned, i acted like an asshole and there is no excuse for that, im going to work on my problems."?

Thats really similar to "BWAAAAH! I HAET U MW2! *smash wall*". ;)
Let's not make this an another internet drama thread. We all have all the drama we need in real life too, right? Right?