Mom cancels kid's World of Warcraft account..

should have seen me when i was a kid
man i knew how to party
ever seen a 5 year old throw a chair through a window in a fit of rage?
its pretty fucking awesome

Pfft, at the age of 6 i threw a chair at my teachers head! :kickass:

I punched a hole the size of a watermelon in my wall and ripped a door off the hinges. When I was five, I kicked the bathroom door in cause my brother was hiding in there and KNEW I was going to beat the shit outta him, which I did. My other brother pulled a knife on me once and started flailing it at me, so I disarmed him and gave him a black eye.

He got me back by breaking my collar bone once though.
ive done the hole in the wall and all the doors in my house are fucked haha
as far as violence towards other human beings goes, im much more conservative.
WOW addict or Sneapster with 10,000+ posts.....very little time for real life........discuss:heh:

I was going to write about how the collective time I spend on here is maybe an average of 2 hours total per day (often while doing other stuff), and that it relates to a passion and hobby (music writing and recording) that gives me more fulfillment in my life than ANYTHING else, and how what a person does with his/her leisure time shouldn't matter at all as long as they've taken care of all of their responsibilities and aren't fostering an unhealthy addiction - but instead, I can sum it up with this:



Anyway, I don't think that it's fake simply because he didn't break anything; when I was that age, I remember being super pissed at things, but also having enough presence of mind to know breaking stuff was stupid and pointless, which made me even more pissed, cuz I didn't know how to discharge all that rage - not everyone can completely lose themselves in fury to that degree! ;) As for the timing, well, he couldn't keep it up forever, so when someone yelled "SHUT UP!" (which was hilarious btw :lol: ) that broke him out of his crazed trance, and his bro was obviously just waiting for the chance to dart back in and grab the camera.
Anyway, I don't think that it's fake simply because he didn't break anything; when I was that age, I remember being super pissed at things, but also having enough presence of mind to know breaking stuff was stupid and pointless, which made me even more pissed, cuz I didn't know how to discharge all that rage - not everyone can completely lose themselves in fury to that degree! ;)....

I would often smash my own shit. Then later, I would consider my smashed shit to be the fault of whoever pissed me off. It was like a domino effect.

I had rage issues as a wee lad.
I was going to write about how the collective time I spend on here is maybe an average of 2 hours total per day (often while doing other stuff), and that it relates to a passion and hobby (music writing and recording) that gives me more fulfillment in my life than ANYTHING else, and how what a person does with his/her leisure time shouldn't matter at all as long as they've taken care of all of their responsibilities and aren't fostering an unhealthy addiction - but instead, I can sum it up with this:


Marcus, after you "bitched" me did you get all mad and try to break stuff...or shove the remote up your arse ??? :lol:
:lol: Man... that´s some crazy shit and that thing with the remote is just retarded! I really hope for this kid´s sake (and mostly the parents) that it is fake.
Marcus, after you "bitched" me did you get all mad and try to break stuff...or shove the remote up your arse ??? :lol:


I just don't see why there was a need for you to post what seemed very likely aimed at me (for some reason) something about me having "very little time for real life", especially when you know so little about me.